Section 2000: Reports
2110 Information about the Reporter
2112 Supporting Materials and Documentation
2113 Notes about the Reporter Interaction
2122.1 Due Diligence to Gather Information
2122.2 Determining Program Jurisdiction
2122.3 Documenting Anonymous CPI Reports
2122.4 When Law Enforcement is the Reporter
2122.5 When an Anonymous Reporter Reveals Name, Phone Number, or Relationship
2122.7 Anonymous Reporter Reveals Enough Information to Find an Existing CPI Case
2122.8 Anonymous Reports Received via Fax, Mail, or Email
2123 Chronic Reporters (Chronic Callers)
2124 Offensive or Inappropriate Reporter Behavior
2125 Suicidal Reporters (Callers)
2126 Reporters and Principals Who May Be Known to SWI Staff
2127 Reporters Who Refuse an Interpreter
2128 Reporters Who Are Children
2130 Whom to Designate as the Reporter
2131 DFPS, CCR, PI, and SSCC Reporters
2131.1 Reporting in a Professional Capacity
2131.2 Reporting on Behalf of Someone Else
2131.3 Reporting as a Personal Witness or Participant
2143 Intake Specialist Name and Worker ID
2145 Law Enforcement Welfare Check
2146 Status Updates or Investigation Outcome
2147 Breach of Confidentiality
2150 Reporter Requests to Speak to a Specific Intake Specialist
2253 Alleged Victim Perpetrator (VP)
2260 Relationship or Interest (Rel/Int)
2311 General Information/ Description Section
2313 Locating Information Section
2320 Clear and Professional Writing
2330 Reporter’s Confidentiality in the Narrative
2340 Information from Case History
2360 Narratives for Mail or Fax Reports
2411 Reports and Persons That Require Person Searches
2413 Special Types of Matches from Person Searches
2413.1 If Match Is to a Staff Record
2413.3 If Match Is Based on Household Composition from a Prior Case
2414 Potential Duplicates in Person Search Results (for Intakes and CRSRs)
2415 Corrections to Names, Contact Information, and Demographics after Relating
2420 IMPACT Case History Searches
2480 Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) Searches
2550 Determination Descriptors
2620 Case Name and In Regards To
2663 Native American Reservation
2664 OAG-ACP (Address Confidentiality Program)
2666 Suspected Manufacturing of Methamphetamines
2670 Law Enforcement Notification
2671 When the Location of the Abuse or Neglect Incident Is Known
2672 When the Location of the Abuse or Neglect Incident Is Not Specific
2673 When the Location of the Abuse or Neglect Incident Is Unknown
2674 Multiple Criminal Jurisdictions
2675 When the Location of the Abuse or Neglect Incident Is Out-of-State
2676 When the Abuse or Neglect Incident Involves Human Trafficking
2682 Problem with an On-Call Schedule
2683 Changing an On-Call Schedule
2685 Contacting On-Call Workers
2710 Subsequent Contact from Reporters
2711 Subsequent Contact from the Original Reporter
2712 Subsequent Contact from a Different Reporter
2713 Subsequent Contact from a New Professional Reporter
2714 Subsequent Contact from Law Enforcement
2715 Subsequent Information on a Report in Progress
2715.1 The Same Reporter Calls while the Original Intake Specialist is Still Completing the Report
2715.2 Report Assigned to Immediate Call-Out Workload
2715.3 Sensitive Report Submitted to Supervisor Approval Workload
2720 Reporter Requests to Speak to Field Staff
2721 Law Enforcement Requests to Speak to Field Staff
2730 Law Enforcement Dispatch Calls with Limited Information
2740 Limited Locating Information for CPI and APS
2750 Sole Basis of Knowledge from Media
2760 Requests to Transfer Reports
2780 Reports with Technical Issues
2790 Mail or Fax Is an Exact Match or Duplicate of an Existing Report
2810 Multiple Reports from the Same Contact
2811 Requesting Help with Multiple Unrelated Reports
2812 Duplicating a Report (New Using)
2813 Modifying a Report Created by the New Using Function
2813.1 Date and Time of the Report
2813.2 E-Reports from DFPS Staff Requesting Reentry
2813.3 People Not Involved in the Additional Reports
2813.4 Principal, Collateral, and Role
2820 Assessing Reports Made by Field Staff
2821 DFPS Staff Makes a Report for His or Her Program
2821.1 Determining the Date and Time of the Report
2822 Field Staff Makes a Report for a Different Program
2831.2 Specific Situations Requiring Sensitive Designation
2832 Consulting (Staffing) on a Sensitive Report
2833 Documenting a Sensitive Report
2834 Law Enforcement Notification for a Sensitive Report
2835 Processing a Sensitive Report
2836 Sensitive Report from an SWI employee
2837 Sensitive Report Involving an SWI employee
2841 Public Complaint about SWI
2842 Complaint about Field Staff
2842.1 Public Complaint about Field Staff Regarding Handling of Case
2842.2 Public Complaint about Field Staff That Requires Immediate Attention
2842.3 Completing the Report for the Complaint
2843 Complaint from a Foster Youth about His or Her Placement
2844 SWI Complaint about SWI Staff
2845 SWI Complaint about Field Staff
2846 Field Staff Complaint about SWI
2850 Reentering Reports (Reentry)
2852 Changes That Do Not Require a Reentry
2860 Reentry Requests from Field Staff
2861 Verifying the Requestor’s Employment
2862 Obtaining Details about a Reentry Request
2863 Evaluating a Reentry Request
2863.2 Invalid Request Received by Phone
2863.3 Invalid Request Received through Mail, Fax, or Internet
2864 Documenting a Reentry Request
2865.1 Reentering a Child Death CRSR as an Intake
2866 Sending the Reentry Feedback Template