Handbook Revision, February 3, 2025

Initiating the Investigation (PATS 14196)

Policy is being updated to identify when an alleged victim cannot be located, a staffing must be held with the supervisor and a follow-up plan must be documented in IMPACT.

Any contact with an alleged victim must be documented in IMPACT on the same day the contact was attempted or occurred.

A supervisor or above must approve a victim child being interviewed via any other method if the interview is unable to be completed in person (example: child is out of state). A summary of courtesy interviews must be documented in IMPACT.


4312 Time Frames for Face-to-Face Contact with Alleged Victims

4313 Time Frames for Documenting Face-to-Face Contact with Alleged Victims


4420 Observing and Interviewing Children

4421 Age and Ability Requirements for Observing and Interviewing Children

4422 Observing and Interviewing Alleged Victims

4422.1 Interview Takes Place Bbefore Receipt of Intake Report

4422.2 Contacting a Children’s Advocacy Center Aabout Certain Allegations

4423 Observing and Interviewing a Child Related to a Child Care Provider


4440 Requesting a Courtesy Interview