Appendix 2472.1-A: Determining Overall Disposition and Overall Role
CPS June 2006
After the worker assigns dispositions to all of the allegations in an investigation, the following are calculated:
· the overall disposition for the investigation; and
· the overall role for each person named in the allegations.
These determinations are also displayed in the following chart formats.
Determining Overall Disposition for the Investigation
If any allegation disposition is: |
and no allegation disposition is: |
then the overall disposition is: |
Reason to Believe (RTB) |
(not applicable) |
Reason to Believe |
Unable to Determine (UTD) |
Reason to Believe |
Unable to Determine |
Unable to Complete (UTC)
· Reason to Believe, or · Unable to Determine |
Unable to Complete |
Ruled Out (R/O) |
· Reason to Believe, · Unable to Determine, or · Unable to Complete |
Ruled Out |
Administrative Closure (ADM) |
· Reason to Believe, · Unable to Determine, · Unable to Complete, or · Ruled Out |
Administrative Closure |
Determining Overall Role for Alleged Victim (VC) and Alleged Perpetrator (AP)
If any allegation disposition for the alleged victim or alleged perpetrator is: |
and no allegation disposition for the person is: |
then the person's overall role is: |
Reason to Believe (RTB) |
(not applicable) |
Designated Victim (DV) or Designated Perpetrator (DP) |
Unable to Determine (UTD) |
Reason to Believe |
Unknown (Unable to Determine) (UD) |
Unable to Complete (UTC) |
· Reason to Believe, or · Unable to Determine |
Unknown (Unable to complete) (UC) |
Ruled Out (R/O) |
· Reason to Believe, or · Unable to Determine, or · Unable to Complete |
Not Involved (NO) |
Administrative Closure (ADM) |
· Reason to Believe, or · Unable to Determine, or · Unable to Complete, or · Ruled Out |
Not Involved (NO) |
Determining Overall Role for Alleged Victim-Perpetrator (VP)
If a child with the role of alleged victim-perpetrator (VP) is: |
and the child also is: |
then, the child's overall role is: |
named as a victim in an RTB allegation, |
named as a perpetrator in an RTB allegation, |
Designated Victim-Perpetrator (DB)* |
named as a victim in an RTB allegation, |
not named as a perpetrator in an RTB allegation, |
Designated Victim (DV) |
named as a perpetrator in an RTB allegation, |
not named as a victim in an RTB allegation, |
Designated Perpetrator (DP) |
named as a victim or perpetrator in a UTD allegation, |
not named as a victim or perpetrator in an RTB allegation, |
Unknown (Unable to Determine) (UD) |
named as a victim or perpetrator in a UTC allegation, |
not named as a victim or perpetrator in an RTB or UTD allegation, |
Unknown (Unable to Complete) (UC) |
named as a victim or perpetrator only in allegations with the disposition of R/O or ADM, |
not named in an RTB, UTD, or UTC allegation, |
Not Involved (NO) |
*The DB role code stands for Designated both, meaning the child is designated both as a victim and as a perpetrator.