Child Protective Services Handbook Revision January 2010

This revision of the Child Protective Services Handbook was published on January 4, 2010. Summaries of new or revised items are provided below.

Military Enlistment of 17-Year-Olds In Care

Caseworker and Management Contact Information

Time Frames for Investigations

Information Provided After Removal

Roles and Responsibilities of the Kinship Development Worker

Military Enlistment of 17-Year-Olds In Care (PATS 2132)

This adds policy about military enlistment of 17-year-olds in care to the CPSH. See:

6576.2 Youth Enlisting in the Military

Caseworker and Management Contact Information (PATS 2938)

The items below are revised to outline the requirement for caseworkers to provide contact information to any youth in out of home placement and to caregiver. The contact information will be for caseworker and caseworker management.

This policy was effective with the issuance of PSA 09-071 on 3/16/2009.


6511.5 Child and Youth Access to Caseworker and Unit Management

6621 Caregiver Access to Caseworker and Unit Management

Time Frames for Investigations (PATS 3042)

Policy has already been updated with the new response times for investigations. The Appendix was not updated at the same time. See:

Appendix 2223: Time Frames for Investigations

Information Provided After Removal (PATS 3077)

The Child Caregiver Resource form must be filed with the court after a removal as well as any home study that has been completed. If the child hasn't been placed with a relative or placement intended to be permanent by the adversary hearing, the reasons and efforts made by CPS to complete this task must be recorded. CPS staff were informed of this policy with the issuance of Protective Services Alert (PSA) 09-119 on August 31, 2009. See:

2670 Provide Information to the Child, Parents, Caregiver, and Court After a Removal

2671 Information Provided to the Parents at the Time of Removal

2672 Information Provided to the Child After a Removal

2673 Information Provided to the Caregiver at the Time of Placement

2674 Information Provided to the Court After Removal

Roles and Responsibilities of the Kinship Development Worker (PATS 1997)

During publication of the November 17 2009 revision Appendix 6322-C: Roles and Responsibilities of the Kinship Development Worker was replaced. It has been decided that this information is still needed in the handbook, so this appendix is now being restored as Appendix 6322-D. See:

Appendix 6322-D: Roles and Responsibilities of the Kinship Development Worker