Child Protective Services

Handbook Revision, December 7, 2012

This revision of the Child Protective Services Handbook was published on December 7, 2012. Summaries of new or revised items are provided below.

Criminal History Offenses (PATS 5882)

Child Care Licensing (CCL) recently updated their chart titled, “Foster or Adoptive Homes: Criminal History Requirements.” The changes were made by CCL in order to capture legislative changes from the prior two sessions and to delete several provisions that were not crimes in and of themselves but simply provided for penalty enhancements, as well as to delete several crimes that were unnecessarily listed separately in a prior version of CCL’s chart.

To maintain the most up to date information in CPS policy, the appendix below is updated to reflect CCL’s changes.

Begin using the new chart to help staff see the consequences of criminal history at different points in a case:

  •   During the investigation or FBSS stage when the placement is a Parental Child Safety Placement (PCSP);

  •   During a CVS case when a placement is a kinship placement; and

  •   When a kinship caregiver applies to become a verified kinship foster home or approved as an adoptive home.


Appendix 4525 Assessing Criminal History Offenses and Convictions for PCSPs, Unverified Kinship and Verified Kinship Foster Homes