Child Protective Services

Handbook Revision, August 2014

This revision of the Child Protective Services Handbook was published on August 1, 2014. Summaries of new or revised items are provided below.

Priority None Codes

Adding Near Fatal as an Allegation Severity Type

Completing the Maintain Allegation Task in IMPACT to Elevate Certain Court Orders

Priority None Codes (PATS 5574)

The items below are revised to reflect changes passed during the 83rd legislative session and changes made to the Texas Administrative Code (TAC).


2143 Assigning Priority to Reports of Abuse or Neglect

2143.1 Assigning a Report as Priority 1 (P1)

2143.11 Examples of Priority 1 (P1) Reports

2143.12 When a Priority 1 (P1) Report Is Received After-Hours

2143.2 Assigning a Report as Priority II (P2)

2143.3 Assigning a Report as Priority None (PN)

Adding Near Fatal as an Allegation Severity Type (PATS 7097)

The following items are revised to explain the addition of a new severity type to all CPS investigations when the disposition is Reason to Believe.

The new severity type allows information required for federal reporting on near-fatalities and fatalities to be captured automatically. For allegations that have a disposition of Reason to Believe, a severity type must be selected. If the investigation involves a child who is in serious or critical condition because of abuse or neglect, the severity type selected is Near Fatal.


2813 Completing the Maintain Allegation Task in IMPACT

2813.1 Assigning a Severity Type to an Allegation Involving a Child Fatality or Near Fatality

CPS staff were informed of this policy with the issuance of PSA 14-072 on May 5, 2014.

Completing the Maintain Allegation Task in IMPACT to Elevate Certain Court Orders (PATS 7172)

The items below are revised to add to the list of types of court orders that must be elevated and drawn to the attention of state office, including orders that must be elevated to state office legal.


5310 The Requirement for Staff to Elevate Certain Court Orders

5311 Purpose and Scope: Requirement to Elevate Certain Court Orders

5312 General Notice Requirements for Elevating Certain Court Orders

5313 Notice Requirements for Court-Ordered Placements in Unapproved Facilities

5313.1 Definition of Unapproved Facility

5314 Court Orders That Violate the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children