Child Protective Services

Handbook Revision, September 4, 2015

This revision of the Child Protective Services Handbook was published on September 4, 2015.

CPS wants to ensure that the general public understands what critical actions caseworkers are required to perform and why. To further this understanding, CPS has set up a policy e-mail box for the general public: Please feel free to contact us, via this email address, with any general questions related to policy.

For questions or concerns regarding specific cases, please contact the caseworker or supervisor, or the Office of Consumer Affairs at 1-800-720-7777.

Services to Older Youth in Care (PATS 8547)

The President signed the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act, Public Law (P.L. 113-183) into law on September 29, 2014. The law amends the title IV-E foster care program to address human trafficking, children missing from foster care, normalcy, successor guardianship (PCA), transitional planning for youth beginning at age 14, placing limits on the use of another planned permanency living arrangement (APPLA) as a plan for youth, and reauthorizes and amends Family Connections Grants and the Adoption Incentives Program. This law also includes additional AFCAR reporting and other (data) reports to congress.

This revision reflects changes to policy for Transitional Living Services Program and Transition Planning for Older Youth, based on the Preventing Sex Trafficking and Strengthening Families Act. See:

1120 Guiding Principles of the CPS Program

1121 Family Group Decision-Making (FGDM)

1121.1 The FGDM philosophy

1121.2 Using Models of FGDM to Guide Safety and Service Planning

1121.21 Family Team Meeting (FTM)

1121.22 Family Group Conference (FGC)

1121.23 Circle of Support (COS)

1121.24 Transition Plan Meeting (TPM)

1121.25 Permanency Conference (PC)

1121.3 Family Group Decision-Making Strategies

1121.4 The Attendance and Participation of Children and Youth in FGDM Conferences

1121.41 Alternate Methods of Participation for Children

1121.42 Alternate Methods of Participation for Older Youth


10000 Services to Older Youth in Care

10100 Transitional Living Services

10110 Transitional Living Services Program

10111 Experiential Life Skills Training for Youth Age 14 and older

10120 Transition Planning for Older Youth

10121 Permanency Planning Meetings for Youth Age 14 16 and Older

10122 Transition Plan

10122.1 Child’s or Youth’s Plan of Service

10122.2 Transition Plan Review