Child Protective Services
Handbook Revision, August 2016
This revision of the Child Protective Services Handbook was published on August 1, 2016.
CPS wants to ensure that the general public understands what critical actions caseworkers are required to perform and why. To further this understanding, CPS has set up a policy e-mail box for the general public: Please feel free to contact us, via this email address, with any general questions related to policy.
For questions or concerns regarding specific cases, please contact the caseworker or supervisor, or the Office of Consumer Affairs at 1-800-720-7777.
This revision clarified policy for notifications to certain parties of significant events while a child is in the conservatorship of DFPS:
• Added the parents’ attorney to the list of people required to be notified in certain situations (sections 6281 and 6282).
• Added language to the events listed in 6282 Notification Requirements and Schedule, to clarify specific events that require notification. See:
6280 Notifications
6281 Who to Notify
6282 Notification Requirements and Schedule
6283 Exceptions
Tuition and Fee Waiver (PATS 9272)
This item is revised to add two new eligibility criteria for the college tuition and fee waiver. These updates are a result of new rules, effective June 1, being incorporated into Chapter 700, Subchapter P of the Texas Administrative Code. See:
10312 College Tuition and Fee Waiver Eligibility Exemption for Foster Youth, Adopted Youth, and Youth in Permanent Managing Conservatorship (PMC)
10313.1 PAL Staff Responsibilities for College Tuition and Fee Waiver