Handbook Revision, April 1, 2021
This revision of the Child Protective Services Handbook was published on April 1, 2021.
On September 1, 2017, the investigations branch of CPS became a separate division named Child Protective Investigations (CPI). Until CPI develops its own policy handbook, investigation policies and procedures will remain in the CPS handbook.
Child Protective Services Revisions
Child Protective Investigations Revisions
Child Protective Services Revisions
Inquire about Children’s Funds (PATS 12878)
This handbook revision does the following:
- Removes a reference to the DPFS Master Trust (Statewide Trust for Children), which no longer exists.
- Makes minor changes to provide direction on actions to take if CPS is aware that any children's funds exist.
6492.1 Inquire About Children’s Funds
CPI, FBSS, and CPS Human Trafficking Policy (PATS 13294)
This revision updates policy to reflect care coordination as well as expectations and documentation for team service referrals. Additionally, this revision reflects updated reporting expectations for Statewide Intake when new concerns for trafficking victimization are identified.
2382 Informing Law Enforcement of Child Sex or Labor Trafficking
2383 Confirmed and Suspected Unconfirmed Victims of Child Sex or Labor Trafficking
6460 When a Child or Youth is Missing from CPS Conservatorship
6461 Child or Youth Missing from Substitute Care Placement
6461.1 Notification Requirements When a Child Runs Away or is Missing
6461.2 Other Initial Actions
6461.3 Ongoing Efforts to Recover
6461.31 Documentation and Review
6461.4 When a Child Who Is Missing Is Recovered
6461.5 Caseworker Actions When a Missing Child Returns to Care
6461.51 Documentation and Review
6462 Confirmed or Suspected Victims of Human Trafficking
12912 Child Trafficking (Sex and Labor Trafficking)
Reimbursement for Court-Ordered Social Studies (PATS 13348)
This handbook revision deletes the policy on reimbursement for court-ordered social studies because it is no longer applicable for CPS.
1333 Reimbursement for Court-Ordered Social Studies
Child Protective Investigations Revisions