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1000 Statewide Intake (SWI) Contact Center

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

Statewide Intake (SWI) is the program within the Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS) that operates the Texas Abuse Hotline. The Texas Abuse Hotline operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. SWI intake specialists complete reports of abuse, neglect, and exploitation and route the reports to the appropriate program for investigation. These reports include allegations of:

  • Abuse or neglect of children by a person responsible for a child’s care, custody, or welfare.
  • Abuse or neglect of children in child care operations.
  • Abuse, neglect, or exploitation of:
    • A person age 65 or older
    • An adult with a substantial impairment
    • Or an emancipated minor with a substantial impairment by:
      • A caretaker.
      • A family member.
      • An individual who has an ongoing relationship with the person.
  • Abuse, neglect, and exploitation of adults and children receiving services from certain providers, as provided for in Texas Human Resources Code §48.251(a)(9) and Texas Family Code 261.404(a).

Texas Family Code Chapter 261

Texas Human Resources Code Chapter 48

SWI intake specialists:

  • Obtain and assess information reported according to definitions of abuse, neglect, or exploitation for each program.
  • Enter the information into the case management system (IMPACT).
  • Route reports to the appropriate program and field office.
  • Serve as a referral center when appropriate or when information received does not meet statutory definitions.

1100 Legal Information

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

The following subsections provide legal information about:

  • The requirement to report abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
  • Anonymity.
  • Confidentiality.
  • Immunity and good faith.
  • False reporting.
  • Notification to law enforcement.

1110 Requirement to Report Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

According to Texas law, a person must make a report to DFPS if he or she has reasonable cause to believe that a child, a person 65 years old or older, an adult with a substantial impairment, or a person receiving services from a provider is being abused, neglected, or exploited. Texas law requires that any person suspecting that a child has been abused or neglected immediately make a report.

The requirement to report applies without exception to people whose personal communications may otherwise be privileged, including attorneys, clergy, medical professionals, social workers, mental health professionals, and employees of a clinic or health care facility that provides reproductive services. Professionals must report the suspected abuse of a child within 48 hours.

For methods of reporting to DFPS, see 1200 Contact Information.

Texas Family Code §261.101

Texas Human Resources Code §48.051

1120 Anonymity

SWI Policy and Procedures September 2023

A reporter may remain anonymous when making a report of abuse, neglect, or exploitation that is under the jurisdiction of any program except for Child Protective Investigations (CPI).

Reports under CPI’s Jurisdiction

SWI cannot accept an anonymous report of child abuse or neglect that is under CPI’s jurisdiction. This includes reports of child abuse or neglect in which the alleged perpetrator is a person traditionally responsible for the child’s care, custody, or welfare, including school personnel or volunteers. The only exception is that a local or state law enforcement agency may receive and refer an anonymous report of child abuse or neglect to SWI.

Texas Family Code §261.304

1130 Confidentiality

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

A reporter’s name is confidential and must not be disclosed by DFPS staff.

The identity of an individual making a report may only be disclosed in the following circumstances:

The intake specialist explains the information described above when a reporter requests his or her identity remain confidential.

1140 Immunity and Good Faith

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

A reporter is immune from civil or criminal liability when he or she makes the report in good faith and without malicious intent, unless the reporter is reporting his or her own conduct.

Texas Family Code, §261.106

Texas Human Resources Code §48.054(a), (b)

1150 False Reporting

SWI Policy and Procedures September 2023

The intake specialist informs the reporter that all calls are recorded. It is against the law for a person to knowingly make a report that is false and intended to deceive. Legal consequences for false reporting vary by DFPS or CCR program.

Texas Family Code §261.104(d)

Child Protective Investigations (CPI)

The intake specialist informs the reporter that Texas Family Code §261.107 sets the following penalties for knowingly or intentionally making a report that is false or without a factual foundation:

  • A state-jail felony for a first offense.
  • A third-degree felony if previously convicted of the same charge.

If the reporter is a parent who reports the other parent in connection with a pending suit affecting the parent-child relationship, the intake specialist may inform the reporter that false reports can be used as evidence in any suit between the parents regarding the terms of conservatorship of a child.

Texas Family Code §153.013

Child Care Investigations (CCI)

It is against the law for a person to make a report that the person knows is false or lacks factual foundation. The penalty for this offense is at minimum a state-jail felony.

Texas Family Code §261.107

Adult Protective Services (APS)

It is against the law for a person to report information that the person knows is false or lacks factual foundation. Such an offense is a Class A misdemeanor.

Texas Human Resources Code, §48.053

1160 Notification to Law Enforcement

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

DFPS is responsible for sending notifications to the local law enforcement agency for all CPI and CCI intakes. In most cases, this notification is made by SWI.

Texas Family Code §261.105(b)

Texas Family Code §261.402

APS and Provider Investigations are responsible for sending a notification to the local law enforcement agency when necessary.


Adult Protective Services Handbook, 8400 Referrals to Law Enforcement

HHSC Provider Investigations Handbook, 3210 Notifications to Law Enforcement or the Office of the Inspector General (OIG)

1200 Contact Information

SWI Policy and Procedures November 2022

Anyone may contact SWI through any of the following options:

1210 Phone

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

A variety of phone numbers can be used to contact SWI. SWI does not accept collect calls; however, callers can use the toll-free hotline to report abuse, neglect, and exploitation.

1211 Toll-Free Hotline

SWI Policy and Procedures November 2019

The primary phone number for reporting abuse, neglect, and exploitation to SWI is 800-252-5400. The number is publicly available to callers nationwide.

1212 Law Enforcement Line

SWI Policy and Procedures November 2019

Law enforcement officials are provided with a prioritized toll-free phone number. This line was created specifically for law enforcement agencies to contact SWI. It is not available to the public.

1213 Designated Line for Reports to Provider Investigations

SWI Policy and Procedures March 2024

There is a designated phone number for making a report to SWI about a situation under the jurisdiction of Provider Investigations. This number is used by people who work for, contract with, live at, or participate in one or more of the following programs providing services to clients with mental illness, intellectual disability, or a pervasive developmental disorder:

  • State hospitals.
  • Rio Grande State Center (mental health component).
  • Community centers, local mental health authorities, local intellectual and developmental disability authorities, and local behavioral health authorities.
  • Home and Community-based Services (HCS) group homes, whether or not the client is receiving HCS waiver services.
  • HCS and Texas Home Living (TxHmL) waiver services provided in the client’s own home.

This number is 800-647-7418. It is posted at these facilities and is available to the public.

1214 Administrative Line

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

Field staff use the administrative line for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Receiving information about a report.
  • Getting clarification about a report.
  • Requesting a reentry.
  • Requesting help with an on-call schedule.
  • Notifying SWI of changes to the on-call schedule.
  • Notifying SWI that a report was routed incorrectly.
  • Requesting to speak with a supervisor.
  • Discussing issues that require immediate attention.

SWI support staff usually answer the administrative line. This number is not available to the public.

If field staff call the administrative line to make a report, SWI support staff explain that they can make a report online or offer to transfer them to the toll-free hotline to report by phone. Transferring to the hotline may result in a delay, depending on the current hold time.

1215 International Calls

SWI Policy and Procedures November 2019

Supervisory approval is required before SWI staff make an international call.

International calls involving an intake can be made from the phone in the office of the assistant commissioner for SWI.

1220 Texas Abuse Hotline Website

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

The Texas Abuse Hotline is a secure reporting website where anyone can report allegations of abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Only situations that are not considered urgent should be reported via this website.

If the situation is urgent, but not an emergency or life-threatening, the reporter should call the Texas Abuse Hotline by phone.

The reporter should contact local law enforcement or 911 immediately if the event is life-threatening or an emergency.

1230 Mail or Fax

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

In addition to hotline calls and internet reports, SWI regularly receives mail and faxes. These may include:

  • Letters from the public.
  • Reports from other Texas state agencies.
  • Reports from other states.
  • Reports from law enforcement.
  • Reports from the elder fraud or abuse hotlines of financial institutions.
  • Protective orders.
  • Protective service alerts.
  • Additional information regarding an open case.
  • Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) reports involving a sexually active minor.

The fax number for SWI is 800-647-7410.

The mailing address for Statewide Intake is:

DFPS, Mail Code 019-3

P.O. Box 149030

Austin, TX 78714-9030

Staff provide this mailing address when a reporter requests an address for SWI.

1240 Walk-In

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

Although rare, people occasionally make a report to SWI in person. When this happens, staff direct the person to a phone located in the outer lobby. He or she may use that phone to call the toll-free hotline to report his or her concerns. Calling is the most efficient manner for SWI to:

  • Gather and process the information.
  • Provide the reporter with a report identification number.
  • Create a recording of the report.
  • Maintain the security of SWI staff.

1300 Communication Assistance Services

SWI Policy and Procedures November 2019

SWI uses communication assistance services so reporters who do not speak English can still make reports of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

1310 Interpretation Service for People who Speak Foreign Languages

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

SWI uses language interpretation services for callers who speak a language other than English. SWI staff access this service, as needed.

1320 Interpretation Services for People who are Deaf, are Hearing-Impaired, or have Speech Disabilities

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

People who are deaf or hearing-impaired or who have speech disabilities may call SWI using a relay service that facilitates communication between the caller and the intake specialist. There are two ways to call into SWI using a relay service.

Video relay services (VRS) are commonly used by people who rely on sign language to receive information. An interpreter voices what the signer says and signs back to the signer what the intake specialist says.

TTY (teletypewriter) is commonly used by people who cannot use a regular telephone due to speech or hearing loss. Instead of communicating via sign language, a relay service operator facilitates the conversation between an intake specialist and the caller by typing the messages from the intake specialist to the caller and voicing out loud the typed messages from the caller to the intake specialist.

1400 Automatic Call Distributor (ACD)

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

An automatic call distributor (ACD) handles all SWI hotline calls. When a person calls the hotline, the ACD offers recorded information and several options. This includes an option of making a report in English or Spanish. The options the caller selects help route the call to appropriate staff in the shortest possible time.

The ACD distributes calls through the phone network and routes calls to the next available intake specialist. There is never a busy signal, and all calls are counted to enable constant scheduling improvements. Each call is held within the system until answered by SWI staff or disconnected by the caller.

English Language Queue

Most SWI calls come through the English language queue. The calls are answered in the order they are received.

Spanish Language Queue

Spanish-speaking intake specialists staff the Spanish language queue but may also receive calls from the English queue when no Spanish calls are holding.

When a Spanish-speaking intake specialist is not available in a timely manner, the caller is transferred to the next available intake specialist, regardless of which queue the intake specialist is assigned to.

A non-Spanish-speaking intake specialist uses an interpretation service when he or she receives a call from a Spanish-speaking caller and does not transfer the caller back into the Spanish language queue.

1500 Records

SWI Policy and Procedures November 2019

SWI uses audio recordings and a case management system to record details of the reports made to the hotline. Statistical data is generated from the case management system data.

1510 IMPACT Case Management System

SWI Policy and Procedures November 2019

The Information Management Protecting Adults and Children in Texas (IMPACT) is the primary system DFPS uses to record case information about the children and adults the agency protects. DFPS uses IMPACT to document all stages of a case, including:

  •   Intake of reports of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.

  •   Investigations of cases.

  •   Stages of service.

The IMPACT system resides on a closed and protected server. Only persons who work with, for, or are contracted by DFPS to perform duties that require them to use this system have access to it. State and Federal security requirements require DFPS to protect sensitive information in the system.

1520 Call Recordings

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

All calls to the hotline are recorded and stored for at least one year. A call recording system is used to preserve the calls as evidence by state law. Recorded calls are accessed through a designated application that is accessible to various staff at SWI with an appropriate business need. Recordings are made available to intake and support staff when necessary for training purposes and performance review.

Texas Family Code §261.310(d)(3)

1530 Contact Center Statistics

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

Every contact received by SWI is counted and cataloged. Statistics are reported to the Legislature regarding the number and type of contacts, the amount of time spent by callers waiting to speak to an intake specialist, and the number of reports (intakes, information and referrals, or case-related special requests) completed for each DFPS, HHSC Child Care Regulation, or HHSC Provider Investigations program.

1600 Organizational Structure

SWI Policy and Procedures March 2022

SWI has various employees who support the agency’s mission, including:

  • Intake specialists
  • E-unit specialists
  • Intake supervisors, including the following positions:
    • Intake specialist worker V
    • Acting supervisor
  • Screening staff
  • Program administrators
  • Support staff
  • General Computing Services (GCS) staff
  • Workforce Management staff (floor managers)
  • Policy and Performance Management staff
  • Training specialists

1610 Intake Specialists

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

Intake specialists are highly trained to interview callers to assess reported information to determine whether a situation meets the legal definition of abuse, neglect, or exploitation. When a situation meets the legal definition, the intake specialist further determines priority, allegation type, and report processing.

Based on the circumstances described by the reporter, the intake specialist uses his or her professional judgment to determine whether an intake is warranted and assigns a priority to the intake that determines the time frame in which an investigation is initiated by field staff. This requires the ability to assess risk with little information.

The intake specialist is knowledgeable about laws, policies, and procedures for all programs, so intakes are directed to the appropriate offices.

The intake specialist is also knowledgeable about community resources and services offered by DFPS and other state agencies, to provide reporters with appropriate referrals.

The intake specialist ensures that the report contains complete and accurate information, and the confidentiality of the reporter is maintained. The intake specialist also ensures the report is clear and sufficiently detailed to allow field staff to investigate.

Reports are subject to subpoena as a court document, and intake specialists may be required to testify to the accuracy of each report.

The intake specialist thinks and acts quickly, handles crises, and copes with secondary trauma.

Intake specialists are required to have a bachelor’s degree or a minimum number of accredited college hours plus relevant work experience.

1611 E-Unit Specialists

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

E-Unit specialists are a select group of intake specialists. These specialists are primarily responsible for processing reports submitted through the internet, which are known as e-reports. E-Unit specialists are also tasked with the following:

  • Completing reentry requests from field staff through the reentry queue.
  • Completing all Out-of-State (OOS) requests for case history searches.
  • Completing Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) criminal history checks for Child Protective Investigations (CPI) or Child Protective Services (CPS) staff, on the rare occasion when the requester cannot access IMPACT and no other CPI or CPS staff are available.

1620 Intake Supervisors

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

Intake supervisors manage units of between nine and 12 intake specialists. Each intake supervisor does the following:

  • Reviews reports of intake specialist activity.
  • Provides feedback to staff regarding his or her performance for each report or call reviewed. Each intake supervisor is required to review a percentage of reports completed and monitor calls for quality assurance.
  • Consults with intake staff regarding assessments.
  • Conducts monthly unit meetings.
  • Provides ongoing training and policy updates to intake specialists.

1621 Additional Intake Supervisor Support

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

Two other positions perform supervisory functions in support of supervisory activities or in the absence of a supervisor.

1621.1 Intake Specialist Worker V

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

An intake specialist worker V, commonly referred to as a worker V, assumes some or all duties of an intake supervisor. This position has all the security permissions of an intake supervisor, including the ability to complete sensitive reports. Workforce Management (WFM) makes short-term assignments, and a program administrator (PA) makes long-term assignments for the worker V position as business needs arise.

1621.2 Acting Supervisor

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

An acting supervisor is a highly skilled intake specialist who can complete certain supervisory tasks when needed by Workforce Management (WFM) or a supervisor. Acting supervisors do not have all the security permissions of a supervisor and cannot complete sensitive reports.

1630 Screening Staff

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

SWI screeners review a specific subset of intake reports for Child Protective Investigations (CPI) and all intake reports for Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) to determine assignment for investigation or other appropriate actions. Screeners may contact the reporter or collateral contacts to clarify and research information related to the intake. Decision-making factors may include, but are not limited to:

  • Information about the severity of the allegation.
  • Risk to the child involved.
  • History of the alleged perpetrator.
  • History of the operation (for RCCI).
  • Credibility of the reporter.

1640 Program Administrators

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

Each program administrator (PA) provides leadership and support to intake specialist units and supervisors. PAs may be assigned additional projects related to intake operations.

1650 Support Staff

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

Support staff complete many tasks required to manage SWI’s workload, including the following:

  • Answering the administrative line.
  • Managing mail and faxes received by SWI.
  • Performing call-outs to field staff after hours and on holidays.
  • Checking and resolving workload issues to ensure reports were appropriately completed and notifying supervisors when a supervisor’s involvement is required.

1660 General Computer Services (GCS) Staff

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

Technical support staff, known internally as General Computer Services (GCS), provide computer support and troubleshooting. GCS coordinates with DFPS Information Technology Services (ITS) when necessary regarding problem resolution and upgrades to hardware and software.

1670 Workforce Management Staff

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

SWI floor managers, known internally as Workforce Management (WFM), monitor and manage workloads for intake specialists by using call center forecasting software, daily absenteeism reports, and other pertinent and critical information to forecast the number of staff needed to handle the call volume in 15-minute intervals.

WFM schedules adequate phone coverage to meet changing demands, based on call volume. WFM balances workloads to strive for and achieve standards set by the Legislature. WFM interprets data to report past actions taken and determine present and future actions to aid in effective workload management.

1680 Policy and Performance Management Staff

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

Policy and Performance Management (PPM) coordinates efforts to improve SWI’s effectiveness in providing intake services. PPM is comprised of quality assurance specialists and program specialists who:

  • Develop tools for the qualitative evaluation of intake specialists.
  • Complete random reviews of intake specialists’ work and use the results to define trends, determine training needs, ensure consistency, and identify areas for improvement.
  • Enhance SWI’s performance by developing and revising policy, clarifying policies and standard procedures, providing ongoing training, and resolving complaints.

1690 Training Specialists

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

The SWI division of the Center for Learning and Organizational Excellence (CLOE SWI) provides all training for SWI, including:

  • Basic Skills Development (BSD) for new intake specialists over seven weeks.
  • Advanced Skills Development (ASD) for all BSD graduates within 12 months of BSD.

CLOE SWI also oversees the certification program for SWI and sponsors or facilitates additional training opportunities open to all SWI staff, which are used for certification or additional professional development. The certification program is an internal recognition of skills, experience, performance, and completion of required training by DFPS staff.

1700 Workforce Management

SWI Policy and Procedures November 2019

To optimize efficiency, workforce management software allows intake supervisors and management to predict overall staffing needs as well as monitor an individual intake specialist’s adherence to his or her schedule. Continuous focus is on achieving a balance of quality and quantity.

1710 Scheduling Shifts

SWI Policy and Procedures November 2019

Workforce management staff use forecasting software to schedule adequate phone queue coverage to meet changing demands, based on variations in call volume. Even small variations can affect SWI’s ability to answer the phone and process reports promptly.

This specialized software forecasts the number of staff needed to handle the report volume in 15-minute intervals, based on historical data. The projected volume of reports from the internet, mail, and fax queues is also taken into consideration.

1720 Managing the Workload

SWI Policy and Procedures July 2024

The number of reports SWI receives and the rate at which they are received fluctuate, even during short periods. The time of year, day of the week, and time of day all affect the number of incoming reports. Holidays and the opening or closing of the school year also affect the number of reports received. Additional influences, which are less predictable but still significant, are:

  • Weather
  • Media reports
  • Political environment
  • Technical issues
  • Public awareness campaigns

Workforce management (WFM) staff monitor the flow of incoming reports and allocate resources to manage the workload. Supervisors also help monitor and manage the workload, when needed.

Balancing the Workload

WFM staff monitor the flow of reports into the following queues:

  • Phone queues (English, Spanish, law enforcement, community, and administrative).
  • Internet report queue (e-report queue).
  • Mail and fax queue.

WFM staff re-assign intake specialists to other queues when calls or internet reports have been holding for extended periods as needed to decrease hold times.

When re-assigning staff to other queues, WFM considers:

  • Number of staff assigned to the various queues.
  • Number of phone calls holding and the length of time the calls have been on hold.
  • Number of e-reports submitted and the length of time the e-reports have been waiting to be processed.
  • Amount of correspondence received by mail and fax and how long the correspondence has been waiting to be processed.

Stacking Calls

In response to extended hold times on the phone queues, WFM staff may ask an intake specialist to take another call from the queue before completing the documentation on his or her current report. This is known as “stacking a call.” Only intake specialists with one or more years of tenure may stack calls. Intake specialists do not stack calls if they are working on a report that requires immediate processing.

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