Statewide Intake Procedures Handbook Revision April 3, 2009

This revision of the Statewide Intake Procedures Handbook was published on April 3, 2009. Summaries of new or revised items are provided below.

Documentation of Reports on Multi-Family Households

The items below are revised to include changes in SWI's documentation of CPS intakes involving multi-family households. The change was requested by CPS and is being made so that these types of intakes will be more consistent in the documentation of principals and collaterals, and will provide more accurate data for CPS statistical reports.

When SWI enters an intake and then creates a companion case on another family in that household, SWI will give the children from one family the person type of Principal (PRN) in the original case and the person type of Collateral (COL) in the companion case, and vice versa.


4470 Reports on Multi-Family Households

4471 Clarification of Terms: Family and Multi-Family Household

4472 Person Detail on Multi-Family Intakes


The items below are revised to clarify current procedures. No changes are made to policy or procedures. See:

4300 CPS Assessment of Priority and Risk

4431 Newborn or Mother Tests Positive for Drugs

4432 Mother With AIDS or HIV Is Breastfeeding

4490 Reports on School Personnel

4810 Types of CPS Casework-Related Special Requests (CRSRs) Entered by SWI