Statewide Intake

Handbook Revision, July 1, 2016

This revision of the Statewide Intake Policy and Procedures Handbook was published on July 1, 2016. Summaries of new or revised items are provided below.

Reports Involving Schools (PATS 9072)

Update to SWI Handbook CCL Section 5000 (PATS 9102)

3922.3 Call-Outs in Emergency Situations (PATS 9257)

Reports Involving Schools (PATS 9072)

Update to section 4490 to clarify that the AP does not have to be named, just enough information gathered to identify him or her. Spell out criteria in which SWI will accept a report. See:

4490 Reports Involving Schools

4491 Reports of Abuse or Neglect That Involve Home Schooling

4492 Reports of Abuse or Neglect That Involve Boarding Schools

4493 Reports Involving School Personnel

4493.1 Intake Criteria

4493.11 Abuse and Neglect Allegations

4493.12 Alleged Perpetrator

4493.13 Alleged Victim

4493.14 Location Where Abuse or Neglect Occurred

4493.15 Time of Incident

4493.2 Documentation

4493.21 School Personnel as Alleged Perpetrators (APs)

4493.22 Parents as Alleged Perpetrators (APs)

Update to SWI Handbook CCL Section 5000 (PATS 9102)

The content of section 5000 is being revised in the following ways:

  •  Addition of definitions for allegations.

  •  Removal of requirement for SWI staff to consider exemption criteria for DCL operations, as this may only be determined by CCL staff. All information regarding child-care operations must be sent to CCL for review, with the exception of reports involving child care provided in a caregiver’s home, foreign exchange/foster programs, juvenile detention/correctional facility, treatment facility for chemically dependent youth, and boarding schools.

  •  Addition that a DFPS employee can be an AP of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a child in an RCCL placement if that child is in CPS conservatorship. This includes staff from any DFPS program and would be an intake to RCCL.

  •  Addition that a home health nurse for a child in care cannot be an AP. Assess for NSUP on foster/caregivers, and an APS Provider Investigations intake.

  •  Addition that intakes/I&Rs for RCL may be taken regardless of whether an RCL operation is active or inactive.

  •  Addition of how to handle reports regarding sex offenders in foster homes.

  •  Update to how to handle reports involving victims 18 years old or older.


5000 Child Care Licensing (CCL) Division

5100 Definitions

5200 CCL Intake Assessment Guidelines

5210 Exploitation and Human Trafficking in CCL Reports

5220 CCL Assessment of Priority

5221 CCL Assessment of Priority 1

5222 CCL Assessment of Priority 2

5230 CCL Possible Standards Violations: Incidents Not Involving Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation

5240 Reports Involving Children in DFPS Conservatorship in a CCL Operation

5250 Child-on-Child Abuse or Neglect in a CCL Operation

5260 A Child’s Death in a CCL Operation

5300 Day Care Licensing (DCL)

5310 Day Care Operations That Are Regulated by DCL

5320 Operations Exempt from Regulation by DCL

5330 DCL Illegal Operations

5340 Determining Whether Child Care Provided in the Caregiver’s Home is Subject to DCL Regulation

5350 IMPACT Procedures Specific to DCL

5351 Facility Section for DCL Reports

5352 DCL Case Name

5353 DCL Person List

5354 DCL Assignment and Call-Out

5400 Residential Child Care Licensing (RCCL)

5410 Residential Child Care Operations That Are Regulated by RCCL

5420 Operations Exempt from Regulation by RCCL

5430 The Department or Agency which Licenses a Residential Facility Is Unclear

5440 RCCL Illegal Operations

5450 Special Situations Involving RCCL Operations

5451 When the Victim Is 18 or Older

5452 Assessing Reports of Alleged Sex Offenders in a Foster Home (Active Vs Inactive)

5453 Assessing Reports of Alleged Sex Offenders at RCCL Regulated Facilities

5454 Determining RCCL or CPS Jurisdiction for a Child in Relative or Fictive Kin Placement

5455 Abuse or Neglect by Home Health Providers

5456 Law Enforcement Reports Family Violence in RCCL Foster Homes

5460 IMPACT Procedures Specific to RCCL

5461 Facility Section for RCCL Reports

5461.1 Determining the Correct Facility Name for Foster Homes

5462 RCCL Case Name

5463 RCCL Person List

5464 RCCL Assignment and Call Out

5000 Child Care Licensing (CCL) Division

5100 Definitions of CCL Categories of Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation

5200 Intake Priorities for CCL

5210 CCL Possible Standards Violations: Incidents Not Involving Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation

5220 Reports Involving Children in DFPS Conservatorship in a Licensed CCL Operation

5221 If Licensure of a Children’s Day Care Program Is Unclear

5222 If Licensure of a Residential Facility Is Unclear

5230 Foster Homes for Children

5240 Child-on-Child Abuse or Neglect in a CCL Regulated Facility

5250 A Child’s Death in a CCL (DCL or RCCL) Home or Facility

5260 CLASS System

5270 Day Care Programs Operated on a Federal Installation

5300 Day Care Licensing (DCL)

5310 Day Care That Is Regulated by Licensing

5311 Determining Whether Child Care Provided in the Caregiver’s Home Is Subject to DCL Regulation

5312 Illegal Operations

5320 Day Care Programs That Are Exempt From Regulation by Licensing

5330 IMPACT Procedures Specific to DCL

5331 Facility Page for DCL Reports

5332 DCL In Re and Case Name

5333 DCL Person List

5334 DCL Assignment and Call-Out

5400 Residential Child Care Licensing (RCCL)

5410 Types of DFPS Residential Child-Care Operations

5411 Illegal Residential Care Operations

5420 Programs Exempt From Residential Licensing Regulation

5430 Special Situations Involving Residential Care Homes or Facilities

5431 When the Victim Is 18 or Older

5432 Law Enforcement Reports of Family Violence in RCCL Foster Homes

5440 IMPACT Procedures Specific to RCCL

5441 Facility Page for RCCL Reports

5441.1 Determining the Correct Facility Name for Foster Homes

5441.2 Completing the Facility Search

5442 In Re and Case Name

5443 RCCL Person List

5444 RCCL Assignment and Call Out

5445 Change of County for Case Assignment

5450 Determining RCCL or CPS Jurisdiction for a Child in Relative or Fictive Kin Placement

3922.3 Call-Outs in Emergency Situations (PATS 9257)

This section is revised for clarity. There is no change to policy. See:

3922.3 Call-Outs in Emergency Situations