Handbook Revision, July 15, 2024

This revision of the Statewide Intake Policy and Procedures Handbook was published on July 15, 2024. Summaries of new or revised items are provided below.

Annual Review of CPI/CPS (4000) and PI Facility (6000) Chapters (PATS 14095)

This policy revision is an annual review of the 4000 (CPI/CPS) and 6000 (PI Facility) chapters of the SWI Intake Policy and Procedures Handbook. Minor changes include corrections to the following:

  • Updated hyperlinks.
  • Typographical errors.
  • Cross-references.
  • Plain language and consistency in language usage.
  • Accuracy in policy and procedure.

Additional minor change removes outdated IMPACT functionality language from instructions for intake specialists regarding internal call transfers.


2150 Reporter Requests to Speak to a Specific Intake Specialist


4000 Child Protective Investigations and Services (CPI and CPS)

4100 CPI and CPS Person List


4111 Principal (PRN)


4121 Alleged Victim (VC)

4122 Alleged Perpetrator (AP)

4122.1 Unknown Alleged Perpetrator

4122.2 Child as an Alleged Perpetrator


4122.4 Deceased Alleged Perpetrator


4124 Unknown Role (UK)

4125 No Role (NO)


4141 Person Lists with Limited or Unknown Information on Household Members


4212.3 Labor or Sex Traffickers Not Investigated by CPI

4212.4 Law Enforcement Notification for Trafficking Reports


4300 CPI Priorities

4310 Priority 1 (P1)

4320 Priority 2 (P2)

4330 Priority None (PN)


4332 Additional Information from Specific Collateral or Principal (COL/PRN) Is Needed


4420 County

4430 CPI Screener Eligibility Question

4440 CPI Call-out and Assignment


4510 Pregnancy and Newborns

4511 Unborn Child


4513 Miscarriage or Fetal Demise

4514 Concerns Regarding a Breastfeeding Mother with AIDS or HIV


4515.22 Infant Is Born at a Medical Facility But Mother Is Unable or Unwilling To Parent

4515.3 SWI Procedures for Baby Moses Intakes

4515.4 Situations That Do Not Meet Baby Moses Intake Criteria

4516 Mother with a Child in DFPS Conservatorship Gives Birth to a New Baby

4516.1 Birth Reported by DFPS Staff

4516.2 Birth Reported by Anyone Other Than DFPS Staff

4517 Child Born to Mother in a Corrections Facility, Mental Health Hospital, or Drug Treatment Facility


4523 Documenting School Reports


4526 Boarding Schools


4540 Designating a Child as an Alleged Perpetrator for Child-on-Child Abuse or / Neglect under CPI Jurisdiction

4541 Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse (SXAB)

4542 Child-on-Child Physical Abuse (PHAB)

4543 Child-on-Child Neglectful Supervision (NSUP)

4544 Determining the Role of the Caregiver When Assessing for Child-on-Child Abuse or Neglect

4550 Multifamily Households

4551 Clarification of Terms: Family and Multifamily Household

4552 Person Detail on Multifamily Intakes


4561.2 Situations That Sometimes Require an I&R to Existing CPS Case


4562.1 Court-Ordered Investigations or Removals

4562.2 Children Placed in a Shelter by Law Enforcement


4564.3 Assessing Reports Involving Placement Assistance for Therapeutic Needs


4571 PHAB As as a Result of Exposure to Family Violence

4572 NSUP As as a Result of Exposure to Family Violence

4573 EMAB As as a Result of Exposure to Family Violence

4574 Assigning Designating Roles for Family Violence-Related Intakes

4580 Motorized Vehicles (Including ATVs)

4581 Driving without a Car Seat or Seat Belt

4582 Caregiver Driving While under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol

4583 Children Left Alone in Vehicles


4611.1 UTC Procedures


4612.2 CSCAL Discovered During Routine History Search

4613 HHSC Unable to Locate Parent or Guardian of a Child in an ICF/IID or Nursing Facility

4614 Limited Locating Information

4615 Not Enough Locating Information for a CPI Intake

4615.1 Requesting a TIERS Search

4615.2 Processing a CRSR Generated Completed Due to a Lack of Locating Information

4615.3 Processing Results of the FINDRS Search

4620 Methamphetamine Labs


4640 Forced or Coerced Marriage


4711.3 Child in an ICPC Placement Out-of-State Placement, Including ICPC, Alleges Abuse or Neglect


4742 Care Provided Outside of a Child’s Home

4743 Parents and Child Care Provider Both Possible Perpetrators


4810 Requirements for CRSRs


4821 CRSR – Requests for Local Public Service (C-PB)


4824 CRSR – Protective Service Alert (C-SA)


4826 CRSR – Expedited Background Check (C-EBC)


6000 Provider Investigations (PI) Facility


6121 State Hospitals


6123 Private Psychiatric Facility Contracting with Health and Human Services


6200 PI Facility Person List


6222 Alleged Perpetrator (AP)

6222.1 Limited or No Specific Identifying Information about the AP

6222.2 Identity of the Alleged Perpetrator Is Unknown

6223 No Role (NO)

6230 Relationship or Interest (Rel/Int)


6410 Priority 1

6420 Priority 2


6500 Report Does Not Meet the Definition of Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation


6610 Case Name

6620 County

6630 Resource Section


6640 PI Facility Call-Out and Assignment


6711 Multiple Incidents of Abuse or Neglect


6730 Assessment of Specific Scenarios for PI Facility

6731 Client-to-Client Sexual Contact

6732 Client-to-Client Aggression

6733 Injuries of Unknown Origin


6735 Sexual Activity between a Facility Employee and Former Client


6741 Past Allegations Related to a Former Client of the Facility

6742 Past Allegations Related to a Client Who Is Deceased


6830 Dual Jurisdiction between PI Facility and Another HHS Division


6850 Incidents Off the Grounds of the Facility

6860 Incidents at the Facility Involving Visitors

SWI Annual Handbook Update of Sections 7000, 8000, and 9000 (PATS 14097)

This policy revision updates links, fixes typographical errors, updates cross-references, and completes minor changes for language usage and accuracy for the following sections in the Statewide Intake Handbook:

  • 7000 Provider Investigations (PI) Community
  • 8000 Day Care Investigations (DCI) and HHSC Day Care Regulation (DCR)
  • 9000 Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) and HHSC Child Care Regulation (CCR)


7000 Provider Investigations (PI) Community


7200 PI Community Person List

7210 Types

7211 Principal (PRN)

7212 Collateral (COL)


7220 Roles

7221 Alleged Victim (VC)

7222 Alleged Perpetrator (AP)


7222.2 Alleged Perpetrator Is On or Off the Clock

7222.3 Limited or No Specific Identifying Information about the AP

7223 No Role (NO)

7230 Relationship or Interest (Rel/Int)


7310 Abuse Allegations


7331 When a Loan Is Exploitation

7400 PI Community Priorities

7410 Priority 1

7420 Priority 2

7430 Priority 3

7500 Processing PI Community Intakes

7510 Case Name

7520 County


7540 PI Community Assignment

7600 PI Community Special Topics

7610 Multiple Incidents

7611 Multiple Incidents of Abuse or Neglect


7630 Assessment of Specific Scenarios for PI Community

7631 Injuries of Unknown Origin

7632 Sexual Activity between a Community Provider and a Client

7640 Incidents that Occurred in the Past

7641 Past Allegations Related to a Client Who No Longer Receives Services from the Community Provider

7642 Past Allegations Related to a Client Who Is Deceased


7700 Special Program or Agency Jurisdictional Topics

7710 Providers Not Investigated by PI Community

7711 Jurisdictional Considerations Involving HCSSA Providers

7720 Ensuring the Community Provider Does Not Work for a Facility


7740 Incidents Away from the Client’s Residence


8000 Day Care Investigations (DCI) and HHSC Day Care Regulation (DCR)

8100 Types of Day Care Operations

8110 Day Care Operations Regulated by DCR

8120 Operations Exempt from Regulation by DCR

8130 Unregulated Day Care Operations

8200 DCI Person List

8210 Types

8211 Principal (PRN)

8212 Collateral (COL)


8220 Roles

8221 Alleged Victim (VC)


8222.1 Child as Perpetrator

8223 No Role (NO)

8230 Relationship or Interest (Rel/Int)


8310 Abuse Allegations

8311 Emotional Abuse (EMAB)

8312 Physical Abuse (PHAB)


8321 Medical Neglect (MDNG)


8330 Exploitation (EXPL)


8400 DCI Priorities

8410 Priority 1 (P1)

8420 Priority 2 (P2)

8500 Information and Referrals (I&Rs)

8510 I&R DCL Standards Compliance

8520 I&R to Existing DCI Cases


8630 County

8640 Law Enforcement Notification

8650 DCI Call-Out and Assignment and Call Out


9000 Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) and HHSC Residential Child Care Regulation (RCCR)

9100 Types of Residential Child Care Operations

9110 Residential Child Care Operations Regulated by RCCR


9130 Unregulated Residential Child Care Operations

9140 Department or Agency That Licenses a Residential Facility Is Unclear


9200 RCCI Person List

9210 Types

9211 Principals (PRNs)

9212 Collaterals (COLs)


9220 Roles


9222.1 Child as Perpetrator

9222.2 Adult in Care as an Alleged Perpetrator

9223 Unknown Role (UK)

9224 No Role (NO)

9230 Relationship or Interest (Rel/Int)

9240 Person List Considerations for RCCI Intakes

9241 Types and Roles Specific to a Residential Facility or Shelter Setting

9242 Types and Roles Specific to a Foster Home Setting


9310 Abuse Allegations

9311 Emotional Abuse (EMAB)


9313 Sexual Abuse (SXAB)


9321 Medical Neglect (MDNG)


9323 Physical Neglect (PHNG)

9330 Exploitation (EXPL)


9400 RCCI Priorities

9410 Priority 1 (P1)

9420 Priority 2 (P2)

9500 Information and Referrals (I&Rs)

9510 I&R RCL Standards Compliance

9520 I&R to Existing RCCI RCL Cases

9530 Reports Involving Children in DFPS Conservatorship in an RCCR Operation

9600 Processing RCCI Intakes


9640 Law Enforcement Notification


9651 Assignment of P1 and P2 Intakes

9652 Assignment of I&R RCL Standards Compliance

9700 RCCI Program or Agency Jurisdiction Special Topics


9730 Administering Medications

SWI Contact Center, Information and Referral Reports, and Adult Protective Services (PATS 14098)

This policy revision is an annual review of chapters 1000 (Statewide Intake Contact Center), 3000 (Information and Referral Reports), and 5000 (Adult Protective Services). Minor changes include the following:

•     Adds consistency to I&R naming conventions.

•     Clarifies in 3130 when to use Call Back I&R type.

•     Clarifies procedures in 3423.2 and 3423.3 for Out-of-State Agency Requests for Case History (OOS Requests).

•     Updates links.

•     Fixes typographical errors.

•     Updates cross-references.

•     Updates “alleged victim” to “client” throughout the APS chapter.

•     Completes minor changes for plain language and consistency.


1000 Statewide Intake (SWI) Contact Center

1100 Legal Information

1110 Requirement to Report Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation


1130 Confidentiality

1140 Immunity and Good Faith


1160 Notification to Law Enforcement


1210 Phone


1214 Administrative Line


1220 Texas Abuse Hotline Website

1230 Mail or Fax

1240 Walk-In


1310 Interpretation Service for People who Speak a Foreign Languages Other Than English

1320 Interpretation Services for People who Are Deaf, are or Hearing-Impaired, or who Have Speech Disabilities

1400 Automatic Call Distributor (ACD)


1520 Call Recordings

1530 Contact Center Statistics


1610 Intake Specialists

1611 E-Unit Specialists

1620 Intake Supervisors

1621 Additional Intake Supervisor Support

1621.1 Intake Specialist Worker V

1621.2 Acting Supervisor

1630 Screening Staff

1640 Program Administrators

1650 Support Staff

1660 General Computing Computer Services (GCS) Staff

1670 Workforce Management Staff

1680 Policy and Performance Management Staff

1690 Training Specialists


1720 Managing the Workload


3000 Information & Referral (I&R) Reports

3100 I&R Types


3130 Call Back (EBC Use Only)

3140 Chronic Caller

3150 Clearly Not Reportable


3190 Other Business Call

3200 I&R Person List


3230 Relationship or Interest

3240 Identifying and Locating Information

3300 Processing I&Rs

3310 Person Search

3320 Narrative

3330 In Regards To

3340 County Location

3350 Law Enforcement Notification

3360 Call-Out and Routing

3400 I&R Special Topics


3412 Request for an Individual’s Case Record

3413 Request for Child Care Information

3414 Request for Foster Care or Adoption Information

3415 Request for Central Registry Checks for Applicant Screening

3416 Request for an Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC)


3421 Field Staff Requests Case History

3422 Texas Law Enforcement Requests Case History

3423 Out-of-State Agency Requests for Case History (OOS Requests)

3423.1 Intake Specialist Receives the Request

3423.2 Completing the Request

3423.3 When the Requester Calls Back

3430 Request for Call Recording

3431 Request from Field Staff

3432 Request from Law Enforcement

3433 Request from Records Management Group, or Attorneys Representing DFPS, or the Office of the Inspector General


3440 Field Staff Requests a Criminal History Check

3450 Field Staff Requests to Speak with Other Field Staff

3460 Field Staff Requests Help from Other Field Staff


5110 Inability to Live Independently or Provide Self-Care


5210 Types

5211 Principals (PRNs)

5212 Collaterals (COLs)


5223 Alleged Perpetrator (AP)

5223.1 Unknown Perpetrators


5223.4 Family Member

5223.5 Ongoing Relationships


5223.7 Alleged Perpetrator No Longer Has Access to the Client Alleged Victim


5230 Relationship or Interest (Rel/Int)

5300 APS Allegations

5310 Abuse Allegations

5311 Physical Abuse (PHAB)


5320 Neglect Allegations


5330 Financial Exploitation (EXPL)

5331 Loans to an Unrelated Paid Caretaker

5400 APS Priorities

5410 Priority 1 (P1)

5420 Priority 2 (P2)

5430 Priority 3 (P3)

5440 Priority 4 (P4)

5500 Processing APS Intakes and Case-Related Special Requests (CRSRs)

5510 Case Name

5520 County

5530 APS Call Out and Assignment


5630 Death Caused by Abuse or Neglect

5640 Limited Locating Information

5650 Chronic Callers


5711 When More Than One Report Should Be Completed


5730 APS Involvement in Other Situations

5731 Consent to Medical Procedures, Orders of Do Not Resuscitate (DNR), or Removal of Life Support


5734 Private and Public Schools


5735.5 Abuse, Neglect, or Financial Exploitation by Someone Other Than an Employee of the Facility

5800 APS Case-Related Special Requests (CRSR)

5810 Requirements for CRSRs