Handbook Revision, March 3, 2025
This revision of the Statewide Intake Policy and Procedures Handbook was published on March 3, 2025. Summaries of new or revised items are provided below.
Statewide Intake Policy Publication, Fiscal Year 2025, Quarter 2
Policy Alert Tracking Number 14321-SWI
This policy revision does as follows:
- 2114—Updated to mirror language in screener sections.
- 4100—Added abbreviations.
- 4121—Removed language regarding unknown role and added link to Designating Victims for CPI Intakes resource on the DFPS intranet.
- 4124—Removed language regarding designating victims.
- 4214—Added links to 4121 and Designating Victims for CPI Intakes resource on the DFPS intranet.
- 4510—Removed medical neglect (MDNG) Priority 1 (P1) exception.
- 7330—Removed link to 7331.
- 7331—Removed entire section from SWI handbook.
- 10342, 10810, 11341, and 11810—Added language regarding not using phone numbers obtained from call recording application.
2114 Caller ID
4100 CPI and CPS Person List
4121 Alleged Victim (VC)
4124 Unknown Role (UK)
4214 Sexual Abuse (SXAB)
4510 Pregnancy and Newborns
7330 Exploitation (EXPL)
7331 When a Loan is Exploitation
10342 People Who Are Appropriate to Contact
10810 Intake Call Recordings
11341 Contacting Reporters
11810 Intake Call Recordings
Policy Alert Tracking Number 14322-SWI
This policy revision does as follows:
- 2122—Clarifies that the contact information necessary in the exception is a phone number.
- 2420—Clarifies the intake specialist must review open INT stage history.
- 2836—Removes preferred method of submission by SWI employees.
- 4631.2—Clarifies that there are no allegations of past abuse or neglect for a deceased child or other living children.
- 6639—New policy that clarifies how to process the Resource section of intakes for adults with a disability residing in an RCCR facility.
- Adds cross references to several sections.
2122 Anonymous Reporters
2420 IMPACT Case History Searches
2836 Sensitive Report from an SWI Employee
4631.2 Case-Related Special Request (CRSR)
6639 Adults with Disabilities in RCCR Facilities
6720 Reports Involving Children in DFPS Conservatorship or Adults in DFPS Extended Foster Care
6844 Jurisdiction of Reports Involving Children or Adults in HCS Group Homes or Receiving Services in Non-Provider Investigations (PI) Settings
9530 Reports Involving Children in DFPS Conservatorship in an CCR Operation
9612.1 Child Placing Agency (CPA) Homes
9720 A Resident’s Death in an RCCR Operation
9740 When a Victim Is 18 Years Old or Older
9741 Adult Victim with a Disability
9751 Documenting Reports of an Alleged Sex Offender in an RCCR Facility
9760 Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation by a Home and Community Support Services (HCSSA) Provider
Policy Alert Tracking Number 14323-SWI
This policy revision corrects typographical errors and makes clarifications in SWI instructions for processing complaints, handling reentry requests, and using on-call schedules.
2127 Reporters Who Refuse an Interpreter
2270 Demographics
2682 Problem with an On-Call Schedule
2683 Changing an On-Call Schedule
2685 Contacting On-Call Workers
2782 E-Report Is Blank
2811 Requesting Help with Multiple Reports
2841 Public Complaint about SWI
2846 Field Staff Complaint about SWI
2860 Reentry Requests from Field Staff
Policy Alert Tracking Number 14324-SWI
This handbook revision updates all references to the Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). Previously, the word "commission" was omitted.
2125 Suicidal Reporters (Callers)
2842.1 Public Complaint about Field Staff Regarding Handling of a Case
2843 Complaint from a Foster Youth about His or Her Placement
3172 Referred to HHSC
3172.1 Facilities and Services under the Jurisdiction of Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)
3172.2 Dual Jurisdiction
3172.3 When to Close the I&R
3172.4 When to Assign the I&R
3173 Matter Referred On
3413 Request for Child Care Information
4564.1 Residential Treatment Center Project
4731 Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) Jurisdiction
4732 Provider Investigations (PI) Jurisdiction
4735 Information and Referral (I&R)
4743 Parents and Child Care Provider Both Possible Perpetrators
4760 Child Lives in an HCS Group Home or Receives Services in Another Setting
5223.3 Paid Caretakers
5711 When More Than One Report Should be Completed
5712 When an APS Report Includes Concerns for Health and Human Services HHS Complaint and Incident Intake (HHS CII)
5720 Determining Jurisdiction Based on Payment Source
5732 Guardianship
5735 Facility under the Jurisdiction of Another Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) Division
5735.3 Eviction or Leaving Against Medical Advice (AMA) from a Facility Regulated by HHSC
5735.4 Abuse, Neglect, or Financial Exploitation by an Employee of the Facility
5822 CRSR – APS Court (C-REG)
6000 Provider Investigations (PI) Facility
6122 Rio Grande State Center (Mental Health Component)
6123 Private Psychiatric Facility Contracting with Health and Human Services Commission
6130 Community Centers
6632 Private Psychiatric Facilities that Contract with Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)
6635 Community Centers
6751 Day Habilitation Center (Dayhab)
6770 Suicidal Callers in Certain Facilities
6820 Regulated Group Homes versus Boarding Homes or Personal Care Homes
6822 IMPACT Search
6823 Unsuccessful IMPACT Search
6830 Dual Jurisdiction between PI Facility and Another HHSC Division
6841 Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Group Homes
7000 Provider Investigations (PI) Community
7110 Types of Community Providers
7620 Reports Involving Children in DFPS Conservatorship
7710 Providers Not Investigated by PI Community
7711 Jurisdictional Considerations Involving HCSSA Providers
7730 Dual Jurisdiction between PI Community and Another HHSC Division
8000 Day Care Investigations (DCI) and HHSC Day Care Regulation (DCR)
9140 Agency that Licenses a Residential Facility is Unclear
9741 Adult Victim with a Disability