8263 Out-of-State Adoption Placement
8263.1 Identifying Out-of-State Families for Adoption Placement Services
CPS June 2012
A caseworker may learn of a potential out-of-state placement when:
• contacted by an agency from out-of-state;
• contacted by a family from out-of-state;
• identifying a potential family on the Texas Adoption Resource Exchange (TARE) through the child’s inquiry log or other adoption exchange. See 6980 Texas Adoption Resource Exchange (TARE); or
• identifying a potential family through TARE’s Family Registry.
If an out-of-state agency family initiates the contact, the TARE coordinator or CPS caseworker must:
• obtain the family’s name and phone number;
• obtain the name and phone number of the family’s caseworker;
• inform the family that Texas CPS will contact their caseworker for a copy of their home screening, if it is not on file with TARE; or
• inform the family that the TARE coordinator has located the copy of the family’s home screening that they placed on file with TARE and Texas CPS will notify their caseworker of their expressed interest.
The TARE coordinator or CPS caseworker may choose to have a preliminary discussion about the child or sibling group with a confirmed, approved, and ready to adopt out-of-state family. However, if possible, the conversation should include the family’s caseworker.
If a preliminary discussion with a confirmed, approved, and ready to adopt out-of-state family was held without their caseworker and the family expresses continued interest, then the TARE coordinator or CPS caseworker who held the discussion is responsible for immediately contacting the family’s caseworker. The family’s caseworker is advised of the preliminary discussion points and the family’s continued interest.
If an out-of-state family is confirmed, approved, and ready to adopt and the family is be to presented at a Selection Staffing, the family’s caseworker must be advised and invited to participate in the meeting.
Once a family has been selected and has agreed to pursue adoption, then the TARE coordinator or CPS caseworker discusses out-of-state placement issues with regional staff of the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC) and the family’s caseworker.
8263.2 Determining Eligibility
CPS November 2006
After identifying an out-of-state family that could potentially adopt, the worker responsible for placement must consult with the prospective adoptive family's caseworker to determine whether the family can meet the child's needs.
If the family's caseworker believes the family may be appropriate for the child the child's worker must:
• inform the family's caseworker that the family is under consideration along with other families, but has not been selected, and
• obtain the name and phone number of the person who handles contracts for the out-of-state CPA;
• contact the regional contract manager and request contract negotiations with the out-of-state CPA, and
• provide the contract manager with the name and number of the person with the CPA who is responsible for contracting.
The regional contract manager contacts the out-of-state CPA to find out if it is willing to contract with CPS and then informs the child's worker.
If the CPA is not willing to contract, the CPS worker must:
• notify the family's worker that the family is no longer under consideration; and
• document the contact in the case file.
8263.3 Contracting with Out-of-State CPAs
CPS November 2006
If the CPA is willing to contract, the CPS worker must include the prospective adoptive family in the pool of families to be considered for the child.
8263.4 Selecting an Out-of-State Family and Authorizing Services
CPS November 2006
If an out-of-state family is selected for the adoptive placement, the CPS worker must:
• notify the regional contract manager to begin contract negotiations;
• notify the family's worker that the family has been selected; and
• complete an Interstate Compact (ICPC) request and submit it to the Texas ICPC state office.
To authorize out-of-state Adoptive Placement Services, the worker must complete a paper copy of Form 2054, Service Authorization. For complete instructions, see 8164 Manual Authorization — Submitting a Paper Form.
The worker also must complete other duties, including but not limited to the following:
• Advise the contracting agency if the child has been referred to any other CPAs.
• Provide the contracting agency with recruiting information about each referred child to help the contractor find an adoptive family for the child.
• Make sure a HSEGH report is submitted to the contracting agency before the child is placed.
• Provide the contracting agency with all available documents and information regarding the child, including any supplemental information.
• Help the contracting agency assess a child's needs by providing access to:
• the child,
• the child's foster parents or other caregivers, and
• anyone else who has had a significant role in the child's care;
• Make sure DFPS prepares the child's records for presentation to prospective adoptive parents.
• Prepare the child for overnight pre-placement visits and, ultimately, for adoption;
• Review and approve the placement.
• Give the adoptive parents written consent to secure medical services for the child, or identify the person who is the medical consentor.
• Discuss each item on Form 2226, Adoptive Placement Agreement, with the adoptive parent. And,
• Coordinate with the eligibility worker the appropriate distribution of any income DFPS receives for the child.
8263.5 Adding, Extending, or Reauthorizing Services
CPS November 2006
To authorize additional units of service, or extend or reauthorize service, see 8161.1 Active Cases — Authorizing, Extending, or Terminating Direct Services.
8263.6 Completing Placement Services
CPS November 2006
Adoptive Placement Services conclude after the worker verifies to the contract manager that the worker has:
• obtained written verification that the required criminal history checks have been completed and the results do not preclude the family from adopting; and
• received the following from the CPA:
• A copy of the pre-adoptive home screening
• A copy of the placement agreement (completed, approved, and signed)
• A record of all contacts or visits, and
• A copy of the adoption services plan (completed, approved, and signed)
In-state only: If a family accepts a legal risk placement, which later changes to an adoptive placement, DFPS will pay the CPA only for the original placement. This is not considered a Subsequent Adoptive Placement; see 8265 Subsequent Adoptive Placement Services.