Handbook Revision, December 2, 2024

This revision of the Child Protective Services Handbook was published on December 2, 2024.

On September 1, 2017, the investigations branch of CPS became a separate division named Child Protective Investigations (CPI). Until CPI develops its own policy handbook, investigation policies and procedures will remain in the CPS Handbook.


Child Protective Services Revisions

Child Protective Investigations Revisions

Previous Revisions

Child Protective Services Revisions

Child in DFPS Conservatorship Traveling Outside of the United States (PATS 14223)

This handbook revision updates policy about the agency’s response when a caregiver requests approval to travel outside of the United States with a child in DFPS conservatorship.


6474 When a Child Travels Outside of the United States U.S.

6474.1 Requesting Court Approval for International Travel

Required Background Check Tables (PATS 14230)

This edit is needed due to the tables being out of date. The changes are being made related to how the agency shares criminal history record information (CHRI).


7411.1 Required Background Check Tables

New Background Check Results on a Verified or Approved Home (PATS 14231)

This handbook revision updates policy about receiving new background check information on a verified or approved foster home.


7443 New Background Check Results on a Verified or Approved Home

Child Protective Investigations Revisions

Notice of Right to Record an Alleged Perpetrator’s Interview (PATS 14194)

Policy is being updated to state, before conducting an interview with an alleged perpetrator during an investigation on an HCS home, unlicensed kinship caregiver or school investigation, the special investigator or caseworker must complete several tasks.

Note: Sections 2248.4–2248.6 are renumbered but otherwise unchanged.


2248.3 Notice of Right to Record an Alleged Perpetrator’s Interview

2248.4 2248.3 Obtaining Demographic Information from Principals

2248.5 2248.4 Determining the Alleged Perpetrator’s Military Status

2248.6 2248.5 Complaints or Requests for Clarification from the Alleged Perpetrator Parent, Legal Guardian, or Other Adult in the Home Where Abuse or Neglect Is Alleged

Child in DFPS Conservatorship Lives in a Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Home or Unlicensed Kinship Home (PATS 14195)

Policy is being updated to state that Child Protective Investigations (CPI) has jurisdiction to investigate allegations of abuse or neglect against an HCS home provider of a child receiving services in the HCS home when all of the following apply:

  • The child is in DFPS conservatorship.
  • The child lives in a setting paid through a DFPS child-specific contract where services are being provided, but those services are not paid for by a Medicaid waiver.
  • The home is not licensed by Residential Child Care Regulation (RCCR).


2370 Other Jurisdictions in Certain Situations


2374 Children in DFPS Conservatorship in Certain Types of Placements

2374.1 Child in DFPS Conservatorship Lives in a Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Home

2374.2 Child in DFPS Conservatorship Lives in an Unlicensed Kinship Placement