Table of Contents
Section 1000: Statewide Intake (SWI) Contact Center
1000 Statewide Intake (SWI) Contact Center
1110 Requirement to Report Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation
1160 Notification to Law Enforcement
1213 Designated Line for Reports to Provider Investigations
1220 Texas Abuse Hotline Website
1300 Communication Assistance Services
1310 Interpretation Service for People who Speak a Language Other Than English
1400 Automatic Call Distributor (ACD)
1510 IMPACT Case Management System
1530 Contact Center Statistics
1621 Additional Intake Supervisor Support
1621.1 Intake Specialist Worker V
1660 General Computer Services (GCS) Staff
1670 Workforce Management Staff
Section 2000: Reports
2110 Information about the Reporter
2112 Supporting Materials and Documentation
2113 Notes about the Reporter Interaction
2122.1 Due Diligence to Gather Information
2122.2 Determining Program Jurisdiction
2122.3 Documenting Anonymous CPI Reports
2122.4 When Law Enforcement is the Reporter
2122.5 When an Anonymous Reporter Reveals Name, Phone Number, or Relationship
2122.7 Anonymous Reporter Reveals Enough Information to Find an Existing CPI Case
2122.8 Anonymous Reports Received via Fax, Mail, or Email
2123 Chronic Reporters (Chronic Callers)
2124 Offensive or Inappropriate Reporter Behavior
2125 Suicidal Reporters (Callers)
2126 Reporters and Principals Who May Be Known to SWI Staff
2127 Reporter Refuses an Interpreter
2128 Reporters Who Are Children
2130 Whom to Designate as the Reporter
2131 DFPS, CCR, PI, and SSCC Reporters
2131.1 Reporting in a Professional Capacity
2131.2 Reporting on Behalf of Someone Else
2131.3 Reporting as a Personal Witness or Participant
2143 Intake Specialist Name and Worker ID
2145 Law Enforcement Welfare Check
2146 Status Updates or Investigation Outcome
2147 Breach of Confidentiality
2150 Reporter Requests to Speak to a Specific Intake Specialist
2253 Alleged Victim Perpetrator (VP)
2260 Relationship or Interest (Rel/Int)
2311 General Information/ Description Section
2313 Locating Information Section
2320 Clear and Professional Writing
2330 Reporter’s Confidentiality in the Narrative
2340 Information from Case History
2360 Narratives for Mail or Fax Reports
2411 Reports and Persons That Require Person Searches
2413 Special Types of Matches from Person Searches
2413.1 If Match Is to a Staff Record
2413.3 If Match Is Based on Household Composition from a Prior Case
2414 Potential Duplicates in Person Search Results (for Intakes and CRSRs)
2415 Corrections to Names, Contact Information, and Demographics after Relating
2420 IMPACT Case History Searches
2480 Texas Integrated Eligibility Redesign System (TIERS) Searches
2550 Determination Descriptors
2620 Case Name and In Regards To
2663 Native American Reservation
2664 OAG-ACP (Address Confidentiality Program)
2666 Suspected Manufacturing of Methamphetamines
2670 Law Enforcement Notification
2671 When the Location of the Abuse or Neglect Incident Is Known
2672 When the Location of the Abuse or Neglect Incident Is Not Specific
2673 When the Location of the Abuse or Neglect Incident Is Unknown
2674 Multiple Criminal Jurisdictions
2675 When the Location of the Abuse or Neglect Incident Is Out-of-State
2676 When the Abuse or Neglect Incident Involves Human Trafficking
2682 Problem with an On-Call Schedule
2683 Changing an On-Call Schedule
2685 Contacting On-Call Workers
2710 Subsequent Contact from Reporters
2711 Subsequent Contact from the Original Reporter
2712 Subsequent Contact from a Different Reporter
2713 Subsequent Contact from a New Professional Reporter
2714 Subsequent Contact from Law Enforcement
2715 Subsequent Information on a Report in Progress
2715.1 The Same Reporter Calls while the Original Intake Specialist is Still Completing the Report
2715.2 Report Assigned to Immediate Call-Out Workload
2715.3 Sensitive Report Submitted to Supervisor Approval Workload
2720 Reporter Requests to Speak to Field Staff
2721 Law Enforcement Requests to Speak to Field Staff
2730 Law Enforcement Dispatch Calls with Limited Information
2740 Limited Locating Information for CPI and APS
2750 Sole Basis of Knowledge from Media
2760 Requests to Transfer Reports
2780 Reports with Technical Issues
2790 Mail or Fax Is an Exact Match or Duplicate of an Existing Report
2810 Multiple Reports from the Same Contact
2811 Requesting Help with Multiple Unrelated Reports
2812 Duplicating a Report (New Using)
2813 Modifying a Report Created by the New Using Function
2813.1 Date and Time of the Report
2813.2 E-Reports from DFPS Staff Requesting Reentry
2813.3 People Not Involved in the Additional Reports
2813.4 Principal, Collateral, and Role
2820 Assessing Reports Made by Field Staff
2821 DFPS Staff Makes a Report for His or Her Program
2821.1 Determining the Date and Time of the Report
2822 Field Staff Makes a Report for a Different Program
2831.2 Specific Situations Requiring Sensitive Designation
2832 Consulting (Staffing) on a Sensitive Report
2833 Documenting a Sensitive Report
2834 Law Enforcement Notification for a Sensitive Report
2835 Processing a Sensitive Report
2836 Sensitive Report from an SWI employee
2837 Sensitive Report Involving an SWI employee
2841 Public Complaint about SWI
2842 Complaint about Field Staff
2842.1 Public Complaint about Field Staff Regarding Handling of Case
2842.2 Public Complaint about Field Staff That Requires Immediate Attention
2842.3 Completing the Report for the Complaint
2843 Complaint from a Foster Youth about His or Her Placement
2844 SWI Complaint about SWI Staff
2845 SWI Complaint about Field Staff
2846 Field Staff Complaint about SWI
2850 Reentering Reports (Reentry)
2852 Changes That Do Not Require a Reentry
2860 Reentry Requests from Field Staff
2861 Verifying the Requestor’s Employment
2862 Obtaining Details about a Reentry Request
2863 Evaluating a Reentry Request
2863.2 Invalid Request Received by Phone
2863.3 Invalid Request Received through Mail, Fax, or Internet
2864 Documenting a Reentry Request
2865.1 Reentering a Child Death CRSR as an Intake
2866 Sending the Reentry Feedback Template
2867 Deleting the Original Report from a Workload
2868 Reentry Requests Handled by a SWI Supervisor or Worker V
Section 3000: Information & Referral (I&R) Reports
3000 Information & Referral (I&R) Reports
3101 CVS Caseworker Notification
3110 AFC Client Rights/Fac Admn Issues
3121 Specific Considerations for an I&R to Existing Case
3121.1 When to Send an I&R to Existing CPS Case
3121.2 CPS Case-Related Special Requests
3121.3 When Not to Send an I&R to Existing CPS Case
3121.4 Aging Out of Care (AOC) Stage in APS Cases
3121.5 APS Case-Related Special Request Cases
3121.6 Existing Provider Investigation (PI) Case and Possible Client’s Rights Issues
3121.7 DCR or RCCR Standards Compliance and an Open DCI or RCCI Case
3171 Non-FPS Criminal Matter Referred to Law
3171.1 When Not to Use the I&R Non-FPS Criminal Matter Referred to Law
3172.1 Facilities and Services under the Jurisdiction of Health and Human Services (HHS)
3210 Person Types: Principal or Collateral
3240 Identifying and Locating Information
3350 Law Enforcement Notification
3411 Request for a Status of a Report or Report ID
3412 Request for an Individual’s Case Record
3413 Request for Child Care Information
3414 Request for Foster Care or Adoption Information
3415 Request for Central Registry Checks for Applicant Screening
3416 Request for an Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC)
3420 Requests for Case History
3421 Field Staff Requests Case History
3422 Texas Law Enforcement Requests Case History
3423 Out-of-State Agency Requests for Case History (OOS Requests)
3423.1 Intake Specialist Receives the Request
3423.3 When the Requester Calls Back
3430 Request for Call Recording
3432 Request from Law Enforcement
3434 Completing a Call Recording Request
3440 Field Staff Requests a Criminal History Check
Section 4000: Child Protective Investigations and Services (CPI and CPS)
4000 Child Protective Investigations and Services (CPI and CPS)
4122.1 Unknown Alleged Perpetrator
4122.2 Child as an Alleged Perpetrator
4122.3 Youth's Partner as an Alleged Perpetrator
4122.4 Deceased Alleged Perpetrator
4123 Alleged Victim Perpetrator (VP)
4130 Relationship or Interest (Rel/Int)
4140 Person List Considerations for CPI Intakes
4141 Person List with Limited or Unknown Information on Household Members
4142 Person List Involving a Child Death Report
4212.1 Labor Trafficking (LBTR)
4212.3 Labor or Sex Traffickers Not Investigated by CPI
4212.4 Law Enforcement Notification for Trafficking Reports
4223 Neglectful Supervision (NSUP)
4225 Refusal to Assume Parental Responsibility (RAPR)
4331 Past Abuse or Neglect; No Current Safety Issues
4332 Additional Information from Specific Collateral or Principal (COL/PRN) Is Needed
4333 Child Death/Incident Addressed in Previous Case
4400 Processing CPI Intakes and CRSRs
4430 CPI Screener Eligibility Question
4440 CPI Call-out and Assignment
4500 CPI and CPS Special Topics – Part 1
4512 Assessing Post-Delivery Drug or Alcohol Concerns
4513 Miscarriage or Fetal Demise
4514 Concerns Regarding Breastfeeding Mother with AIDS or HIV
4515.1 Designated Emergency Infant Care (DEIC) Providers
4515.2 Criteria for a Baby Moses Report
4515.21 Infant Is Brought to a DEIC Provider
4515.22 Infant Is Born at a Medical Facility But Mother Is Unable or Unwilling To Parent
4515.3 SWI Procedures for Baby Moses Intakes
4515.4 Situations That Do Not Meet Baby Moses Intake Criteria
4516 Mother with a Child in DFPS Conservatorship Gives Birth to a New Baby
4516.1 Birth Reported by DFPS Staff
4516.2 Birth Reported by Anyone Other Than DFPS Staff
4521 Criteria for Person Types in School Reports
4521.1 Criteria for Alleged Victim (AV) in School Reports
4521.2 Criteria for an Alleged Perpetrator (AP) in School Reports
4522 Assessing Priority for School Reports
4523 Documenting School Reports
4524 School Reports That Do Not Allege Abuse or Neglect
4527 Foreign Exchange/Sponsorship Program
4530 Sexual Behaviors in Children and Youth
4531 Children Exhibiting Sexual Behavior
4531.2 Identifying the Source of Sexual Behavior
4531.3 Reports for Children under the Age of 10 Who are Exhibiting Age Inappropriate Sexual Behavior
4531.4 Children Ages 13 or Younger Engaged in Sexual Activity
4532 Sexually Active Youth Ages 14 to 17
4532.1 A Youth Aged 14-16 Engaged in Sexual Activity
4532.2 A Youth Aged 14-16 Living with an Unrelated Partner Who is More than Three Years Older
4532.4 A Youth Age 17 Engaged in Sexual Activity
4533 A Child or Youth with a Developmental Delay Engaged in Sexual Activity
4534 Limited Information about Sexually Active Children or Youth
4541 Child-on-Child Sexual Abuse (SXAB)
4542 Child-on-Child Physical Abuse (PHAB)
4543 Child-on-Child Neglectful Supervision (NSUP)
4544 Determining the Role of the Caregiver When Assessing for Child-on-Child Abuse or Neglect
4551 Clarification of Terms: Family and Multifamily Household
4552 Person Detail on Multifamily Intakes
4560 Children Placed Outside the Home
4561 Children in DFPS Conservatorship
4561.1 Situations That Require an I&R to Existing CPS Case
4561.2 Situations That Sometimes Require an I&R to Existing CPS Case
4561.21 Incident in a Non-Licensed Setting
4561.22 Incident in a Kinship Setting
4561.23 Incident in a Residential Child Care Setting
4561.24 Incident in a Day Care Setting
4561.25 Incident in a Provider Investigations (Facility or Community) Setting
4561.3 Youth in Conservatorship Has a Child
4561.4 Youth in Conservatorship Abuses or Neglects Own Child
4562 Child Removed by Non-DFPS Entities
4562.1 Court-Ordered Investigations or Removals
4562.2 Children Placed in a Shelter by Law Enforcement
4563 Youth in the Custody of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department (TJJD)
4564 Placement Assistance for Therapeutic Needs
4564.1 Residential Treatment Center Project
4564.2 Post-Adoption Substitute Care Services
4564.3 Assessing Reports Involving Placement Assistance for Therapeutic Needs
4570 Reports Involving Family Violence
4571 PHAB as a Result of Exposure to Family Violence
4572 NSUP as a Result of Exposure to Family Violence
4573 EMAB as a Result of Exposure to Family Violence
4574 Designating Roles for Family Violence-Related Intakes
4580 Motorized Vehicles (Including ATVs)
4581 Driving without a Car Seat or Seat Belt
4582 Caregiver Driving While under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol
4583 Children Left Alone in Vehicles
4600 CPI and CPS Special Topics – Part 2
4611 UTC Case with a Red Sunburst
4612 The CSCAL Program (Child Safety Check Alert List)
4612.1 CSCAL Reported by Law Enforcement
4612.2 CSCAL Discovered During Routine History Search
4613 HHSC Unable to Locate Parent or Guardian of a Child in an ICF/ID or Nursing Facility
4614 Limited Locating Information
4615 Not Enough Locating Information for a CPI Intake
4615.1 Requesting a TIERS Search
4615.2 Processing a CRSR Completed Due to a Lack of Locating Information
4615.3 Processing Results of the FINDRS Search
4631 Death of a Child Not in DFPS Conservatorship
4631.2 Case-Related Special Request (CRSR)
4631.3 Current Allegations with Vague Child Death Information
4631.4 Current Allegations with Clear Child Death Information
4631.6 Information and Referral (I&R)
4631.7 Child Death Assessment Table
4632 Death of a Child in DFPS Conservatorship
4632.1 Program Jurisdiction for the Death of a Child in DFPS Conservatorship
4632.2 Death of a Child in DFPS Conservatorship in an Unlicensed Placement
4632.4 Death of a Child in DFPS Conservatorship in a Nursing Home
4640 Forced or Coerced Marriage
4700 Special Program or Agency Jurisdictional Topics
4710 Incidents Involving Abuse or Neglect Out of State
4711 Incidents, Victims, or Perpetrators Out of State
4711.2 I&Rs for Out of State Situations
4711.3 Child in an Out-of-State Placement, Including ICPC, Alleges Abuse or Neglect
4712 Abuse or Neglect Both in Texas and Out of State
4712.1 Texas CPI Intake and Additional Children at Risk in Another State
4713 When Another Country Has Authority to Investigate
4720 Determining CPI or RCCI Jurisdiction for a Child in a Relative or Fictive Kin Placement
4730 Child Living with an Unrelated Caregiver
4731 Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) Jurisdiction
4732 Provider Investigations (PI) Jurisdiction
4733 Child Protective Investigations (CPI) Jurisdiction
4734 Child-Specific Contract (CSC)
4735 Information and Referral (I&R)
4740 Other Unrelated Caregivers
4741 Care Provided in the Child’s Home
4741.1 Specialized Ongoing Care Inside a Child’s Home
4742 Care Provided Outside of a Child’s Home
4743 Parents and Child Care Provider Both Possible Perpetrators
4751 Tracking Reports Regarding Unaccompanied Alien Children
4760 Child Lives in an HCS Group Home or Receives Services in Another Setting
4800 CPI Case-Related Special Requests
4820 Types of Case-Related Special Requests (CRSRs) Entered by SWI
4821 CRSR – Request for Local Public Service (C-PB)
4822 CRSR – Out of State (C-OS)
4823 Court-Ordered Request (C-CO)
4824 CRSR – Protective Service Alert (C-SA)
4825 CRSR – Return to Care (C-RC)
4825.1 Referring a Young Adult Wishing to Return to Care
4825.2 Processing a Report for a Young Adult Wishing to Return to Care
4825.3 Young Adults Returning To Care with Children of Their Own
Section 5000: Adult Protective Services (APS)
5000 Adult Protective Services (APS)
5110 Inability to Live Independently or Provide Self-Care
5120 Substantial Impairment and Disability Payments
5130 Substantial Impairment and Chronic Substance Use
5222 Alleged Victim Perpetrator (VP)
5223.6 Children as Perpetrators
5223.7 Alleged Perpetrator No Longer Has Access to the Client
5223.8 HHSC Guardianship Employee is the Alleged Perpetrator
5223.9 Incidents, Victims, or Perpetrators Out of State
5230 Relationship or Interest (Rel/Int)
5312 Emotional or Verbal Abuse (EMAB)
5330 Financial Exploitation (EXPL)
5331 Loans to an Unrelated Paid Caretaker
5500 Processing APS Intakes and Case-Related Special Requests (CRSRs)
5530 APS Call Out and Assignment
5610 References to Client Versus Alleged Victim
5620 Reports from the Fraud Units of Financial Institutions
5630 Death Caused by Abuse or Neglect
5640 Limited Locating Information
5700 Special Program or Agency Jurisdictional Topics
5711 When More Than One Report Should be Completed
5712 When an APS Report Includes Concerns for HHS Complaint and Incident Intake (CII)
5720 Determining Jurisdiction Based on Payment Source
5730 APS Involvement in Other Situations
5731 Consent to Medical Procedures, Orders of Do Not Resuscitate (DNR), or Removal of Life Support
5734 Private and Public Schools
5735 Facility under the Jurisdiction of Another Health and Human Services (HHS) Division
5735.2 Self-Neglect in Assisted Living Facilities
5735.3 Eviction or Leaving Against Medical Advice (AMA) from a Facility Regulated by HHS
5735.4 Abuse, Neglect, or Financial Exploitation by an Employee of the Facility
5735.5 Abuse, Neglect, or Financial Exploitation by Someone Other Than an Employee of the Facility
5800 APS Case-Related Special Requests (CRSR)
5820 Types of CRSR Reports for APS Cases
5821 CRSR – Out-of-State (C-OS)
5823 CRSR – Law Enforcement (C-REG)
Section 6000: Provider Investigations (PI) Facility
6000 Provider Investigations (PI) Facility
6100 Provider Investigations – Facility
6110 Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability (IID) or Related Condition
6111 Home and Community-based Services (HCS) and Texas Home Living (TxHmL) Waiver Programs
6120 Mental Health Services Providers
6122 Rio Grande State Center (Mental Health Component)
6123 Private Psychiatric Facility Contracting with Health and Human Services
6222.1 Limited or No Specific Identifying Information about the AP
6222.2 Identity of the Alleged Perpetrator Is Unknown
6230 Relationship or Interest (Rel/Int)
6500 Report Does Not Meet the Definition of Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation
6600 Processing PI Facility Intakes
6632 Private Psychiatric Facilities that Contract with Texas Health and Human Services (HHS)
6634 Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Group Homes
6636 Child-Specific Contract (CSC)
6638 Resource Is Unknown or Not Found
6640 PI Facility Call-Out and Assignment
6700 PI Facility Special Topics
6711 Multiple Incidents of Abuse or Neglect
6712 Multiple Incidents or Multiple APs of Exploitation
6713 Incidents of Abuse or Neglect, and Exploitation
6720 Reports Involving Children in DFPS Conservatorship or Adults in DFPS Extended Foster Care
6730 Assessment of Specific Scenarios for PI Facility
6731 Client-to-Client Sexual Contact
6732 Client-to-Client Aggression
6733 Injuries of Unknown Origin
6734 Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Infection
6735 Sexual Activity between a Facility Employee and Former Client
6740 Incidents that Occurred in the Past
6741 Past Allegations Related to a Former Client of the Facility
6742 Past Allegations Related to a Client Who Is Deceased
6743 Past Allegations Related to a Client Who Was a Child at the Time of Incident
6750 Contracted Services Outside the Facility
6751 Day Habilitation Center (Dayhab)
6752 Choosing the Resource When There Are Multiple Clients
6770 Suicidal Callers in Certain Facilities
6800 Special Program or Agency Jurisdictional Topics
6810 Facilities Not Investigated by PI Facility
6820 Regulated Group Homes versus Boarding Homes or Personal Care Homes
6821 Differences between Licensed Group Homes and Boarding Homes or Personal Care Homes
6823 Unsuccessful IMPACT Search
6830 Dual Jurisdiction between PI Facility and Another HHS Division
6840 Home and Community-based Services (HCS)
6841 Home and Community-based Services (HCS) Group Homes
6842 Services in Non-Provider Investigations (PI) Settings with a Waiver
6843 Services in Non-Provider Investigations (PI) Settings without a Waiver
Section 7000: Provider Investigations (PI) Community
7000 Provider Investigations (PI) Community
7100 Provider Investigations – Community
7110 Types of Community Providers
7120 Settings in Which a Community Provider May Provide Services
7222.1 Alleged Perpetrator and Payment Source
7222.2 Alleged Perpetrator Is On or Off the Clock
7222.3 Limited or No Specific Identifying Information about the AP
7230 Relationship or Interest (Rel/Int)
7331 When a Loan Is Exploitation
7500 Processing PI Community Intakes
7600 PI Community Special Topics
7611 Multiple Incidents of Abuse or Neglect
7612 Multiple Incidents or Multiple APs of Exploitation
7613 Incidents of Abuse or Neglect, and Exploitation
7620 Reports Involving Children in DFPS Conservatorship
7630 Assessment of Specific Scenarios for PI Community
7631 Injuries of Unknown Origin
7632 Sexual Activity between a Community Provider and a Client
7640 Incidents that Occurred in the Past
7642 Past Allegations Related to a Client Who Is Deceased
7643 Past Allegations Related to a Client Who Was a Child at the Time of Incident
7700 Special Program or Agency Jurisdictional Topics
7710 Providers Not Investigated by PI Community
7711 Jurisdictional Considerations Involving HCSSA Providers
7720 Ensuring the Community Provider Does Not Work for a Facility
7730 Dual Jurisdiction between PI Community and Another HHS Division
Section 8000: Day Care Investigations (DCI) and HHS Day Care Regulation (DCR)
8000 Day Care Investigations (DCI) and HHSC Day Care Regulation (DCR)
8100 Types of Day Care Operations
8110 Day Care Operations Regulated by DCR
8120 Operations Exempt from Regulation by DCR
8130 Unregulated Day Care Operations
8230 Relationship or Interest (Rel/Int)
8322 Neglectful Supervision (NSUP)
8331 Labor (LBTR) and Sex Trafficking (SXTR) in DCI Reports
8500 Information and Referrals (I&Rs)
8510 I&R DCL Standards Compliance
8520 I&R to Existing DCI Cases
8640 Law Enforcement Notification
8650 DCI Call-Out and Assignment
8700 DCI Program or Agency Jurisdiction Special Topics
8710 Determining Whether Child Care Provided in the Caregiver’s Home is Subject to Regulation by DCR
8720 A Child's Death in a DCR Operation
8730 Administering Medications
8740 When a Victim Is 14 Years Old or Older
8750 Assessing Reports of an Alleged Sex Offender in a DCR Setting
8751 Documenting Reports of an Alleged Sex Offender in a DCR Operation or Facility
Section 9000: Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) and HHSC Child Care Regulation (CCR)
9000 Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) and HHSC Child Care Regulation (CCR)
9100 Types of Residential Child Care Operations
9110 Residential Child Care Operations Regulated by CCR
9120 Operations Exempt from Regulation by RCCR
9130 Unregulated Residential Child Care Operations
9140 Department or Agency That Licenses a Residential Facility Is Unclear
9150 Child Living with an Unrelated Caregiver
9222.2 Adult in Care as an Alleged Perpetrator
9230 Relationship or Interest (Rel/Int)
9240 Person List Considerations for RCCI Intakes
9241 Types and Roles Specific to a Residential Facility or Shelter Setting
9242 Types and Roles Specific to a Foster Home Setting
9322 Neglectful Supervision (NSUP)
9331 Labor (LBTR) and Sex Trafficking (SXTR) in RCCI Reports
9500 Information and Referrals (I&Rs)
9510 I&R RCL Standards Compliance
9520 I&R to Existing RCL Cases
9530 Reports Involving Children in DFPS Conservatorship in a CCR Operation
9611 General Residential Operations (GROs)
9612.1 Child Placing Agency (CPA) Homes
9612.2 FPS Foster Homes and Non-FPS Adoptive Homes Maintained by CPS
9613 Child-Specific Contract (CSC)
9614 Resource Is Unknown or Not Found
9615 When the Specific Foster Home Cannot Be Identified
9640 Law Enforcement Notification
9650 RCCI Call-Out and Assignment
9651 Assignment of P1 and P2 Intakes
9652 Assignment of I&R RCL Standards Compliance
9700 RCCI Program or Agency Jurisdiction Special Topics
9710 Determining RCCI or CPI Jurisdiction for a Child in a Relative or Fictive Kin Placement
9720 A Resident’s Death in an RCCR Operation
9730 Administering Medications
9740 When a Victim Is 18 Years Old or Older
9741 Adult Victim with a Disability
9750 Assessing Reports of an Alleged Sex Offender in an RCCR Setting
9751 Documenting Reports of an Alleged Sex Offender in an RCCR Facility
9760 Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation by a Home and Community Support Services (HCSSA) Provider
9770 Law Enforcement Reports Family Violence in an RCCR Foster Home
Section 10000:SWI Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) Intake Screening
10000 SWI Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) Intake Screening
10100 Legal Basis for Screening
10200 Screening Purpose and Program Organization
10210 SWI Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) Screeners
10230 Screener Program Administrator
10312 Child Care Licensing Automation Support System (CLASS)
10340 Contacts and Interviewing
10341 Contacting Reporters and Caseworker
10342 People Who Are Appropriate to Contact
10343 People Who Are Not Appropriate to Contact
10510 Progressing to Investigation
10520 Downgrading Intakes for Closure without Investigation
10600 Documenting the Screening
10710 CVS or SSCC Caseworker and Supervisor Notification
10720 Twenty-Four-Hour Awake Supervision
10730 Home History Review (HHR)
10740 Office of Refugee Resettlement
10820 Follow-Up to SWI Documentation
10830 Screening Outside of Business Hours
Section 11000: SWI Child Protective Investigations (CPI) Intake Screening
11000 SWI Child Protective Investigations (CPI) Intake Screening
11100 Legal Basis for Screening
11200 Screening Purpose and Program Organization
11210 SWI Child Protective Investigations (CPI) Screeners
11230 Screener Program Administrator
11340 Contacts and Interviewing
11350 When a Screening is Not Conducted
11410 Children in DFPS Conservatorship
11430 Other Situations with Mandatory Consultation
11510 Changing the Priority of an Intake
11520 An Intake That Clearly Meets Guidelines
11530 Alternative Response (A-R)
11551 Closing a Child Death Intake without an Investigation
11552 Closing Intakes for Children in DFPS Conservatorship
11553 Closing Intakes for Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC)
11554 Case Closure with Differential Response
11600 Documenting the Screening
11610 Formal Questions in IMPACT
11620 Document within 24 Hours