SWI Policy and Procedures Handbook

Summary of Previous Revisions

July 15, 2024

Annual Review of CPI/CPS (4000) and PI Facility (6000) Chapters

SWI Annual Handbook Update of Sections 7000, 8000, and 9000

SWI Contact Center, Information and Referral Reports, and Adult Protective Services

June 3, 2024


Legal Basis for Screening

Request for the Status of a Report or Report ID

Child-Specific Contracts

May 1, 2024

SWI Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) Intake Screening

March 1, 2024

Children as Perpetrators

Sensitive Reports Involving SWI Employees

Past Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation in Operations Regulated by Child Care Regulation

Jurisdiction over State Supported Living Centers and Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with an Intellectual Disability

February 1, 2024

Assessing Post-Delivery Drug or Alcohol Concerns

Alleged Perpetrator (AP)

Definition of Physical Abuse in Residential Child Care Investigations Report (RCCI) Reports

December 1, 2023

Assessment of School Reports and Processing of Case-Related Special Requests (CRSRs)

Documentation for I&Rs

Completing the Resource Section in IMPACT and Determining DCR Jurisdiction

Young Adult in an RCCR Facility

TJJD Facilities, PI Investigations

October 2, 2023

Alleged Perpetrator

Placements for Children in DFPS Conservatorship

Field Staff as the Subject of Complaints and Youth Parents in Conservatorship

Minor Changes for Clarification to SWI Interviewing and Assessment, the CPI and CPS Chapter, and the RCCI and RCCR Chapter

Interviewing, Processing, and Therapeutic Placement Assistance

Mail and Fax Reports, E-Reports, Call-Outs, Technical Issues, and Reentering Reports

September 1, 2023

Anonymous Reports of Child Abuse or Neglect under the Jurisdiction of Child Protective Investigations

Jurisdiction over Home and Community Support Services Agencies

Address Confidentiality Program

July 3, 2023

Jurisdiction over Home and Community Support Services Agencies

Day Habilitation Centers

June 8, 2023

Removal of Policy Related to Abortion

June 1, 2023

Adult Protective Services

Death of a Child in DFPS Conservatorship

Residential Child Care Investigations (RCCI) Screeners

Child Protective Investigations (CPI) Screeners

Giving Feedback to the Reporter, Completing the In Regards To Field, and Assessing Bank Fraud Reports

Reports Involving Unaccompanied Alien Children, Schools, CSCAL, and Various APS Issues

Reporter Information, ICPC Placements, I&R When Out of State, Reasons for CRSR, and TJJD

April 3, 2023

How Each Program Handles Child-Specific Contracts

March 1, 2023

Assessment and Allegations

Cross References

Case Name and In Regard To

Chronic Callers

Duplicating a Report

When the Specific Foster Home Cannot be Identified

Law Enforcement Notification

Reentering a Child Death CRSR

I&R Caseworker Notification

Sexual Abuse Allegation Changes

Child Neglect Allegations

Sexual Behavior

Therapeutic Needs Placement

Assessing CRSR Child Death History

Young Adults CRSR Return to Care

HHSC PI Jurisdiction for Alleged Perpetrator and Child Client and CPI Jurisdiction for Care Provided in the Child’s Home

I&R to Existing Case

February 17, 2023

Information about Reporters and Demographics

February 15, 2023

Sexual Activity

February 1, 2023

IMPACT Person Searches

Referred to HHSC

Sensitive Reports

January 2, 2023

Types of Reporters

Alleged Perpetrator in School Reports

Youth in Conservatorship Has a Child

Substantial Impairment

December 1, 2022

Processing DCI Intakes

CRSRs and Related Issues

New IMPACT Disaster Relief Code Intakes

Replacing Internal Q&A Webpage

UTC Case with Red Sunburst

Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation of an Unaccompanied Alien Child

November 1, 2022

Reports to SWI in Person

Suicidal Reporters

Substantial Impairment and Chronic Substance Abuse

Alleged Perpetrators for HHSC Provider Investigations

October 3, 2022

DIF References

Worker Safety Issues

Reason for Re-Entry

CPS Out-of-State Table

September 1, 2022

Removal of References to I&R to DSHS

Assessing a Child’s Death

August 1, 2022

Subsequent Contact from the Original Reporter

Field Worker Complaint about SWI

July 1, 2022

I&R to Existing Case

Assessing the Death of a Child Not in Conservatorship

June 1, 2022

When Field Staff Makes a Report

Removal of DSHS References in SWI Handbook

IMPACT Resource Section

Placement Assistance for Therapeutic Needs

CSCAL Reported by Law Enforcement

Standards Compliance

Reasons for a Re-Entry

May 2, 2022

CRSR Due to Lack of Locating Information

Assessing Priority for School Reports

Foster Care Ombudsman

Policy and Performance Management

Limited Locating Information

April 1, 2022

Reports in a Foreign Language

Policy and Performance Management

March 1, 2022

Adding PPM and Screeners to SWI’s Organizational Structure

February 1, 2022

Day Care and Residential Child Care Investigations and Regulation

CPI Screener Eligibility Question

January 3, 2022

Disaster Relief Codes

Clear and Professional Writing

November 1, 2021

Death of a Child

Situations That Require an I&R to Existing CPS Case

Unable to Complete (UTC) Procedures

Requirement to Report

Corrections to New 8000 and 9000

October 1, 2021

Priority None Child Death Code

Day Care Investigations and Day Care Regulation

Residential Child Care Investigations and Residential Child Care Regulation

September 15, 2021

Definition of Neglect

August 2, 2021

Paid Caretaker Loans

July 15, 2021

Review and Revision of APS Chapter of SWI Handbook

May 3, 2021

Correction to CCR Possible Standards Violation Section

April 1, 2021

CRSR Protective Service Alert

Declining an Interpreter

UTC Procedures

New 6000 and 7000 Sections

March 4, 2021

Child Death/Incident Previously Investigated

February 8, 2021

Exempt from Regulation by RCCR

February 1, 2021

Absent Parent

January 13, 2021

Child Care Investigations and Child Care Regulation; CVS Caseworker Notification I&R

January 4, 2021

Interpretation Services for People who are Deaf, are Hearing-Impaired, or have Speech Disabilities

December 1, 2020


October 15, 2020

Reports and I&Rs

September 1, 2020

Organizational Structure

E-Unit Specialists

Intake Supervisors

Additional Intake Supervisor Support

Intake Specialist Worker V

Acting Supervisor

November 1, 2019

Calling Back a Reporter

SWI 1000 Section of Handbook

May 1, 2019

Criteria for Substantial Impairment

March 1, 2019

Subsequent Contacts from Professional Reporters (PATS 11447)

January 2, 2019

Out-of-State Reports (PATS 11367)

December 3, 2018

Assessing for Forced or Coerced Marriage Abuse (PATS 11342)

November 1, 2018

Requests for Case History from Out-of-State Requestors (PATS 11192)

No Longer Necessary to Send Reports to Both APS and HHSC if Both Have Jurisdiction (PATS 11312)

Sex Abuse Intake Guidelines (PATS 11292)

Clarifying Documenting Worker Call-Outs (PATS 11257)

October 1, 2018

Reasons SWI May Designate a Report as Sensitive (PATS 11187)

August 1, 2018

Report Identification Number (PATS 11072)

Address Confidentiality Program (PATS 10972)

HHSC and DADS Reference Updates (PATS 11077)

March 12, 2018

IMPACT Modernization Procedure Updates (PATS 10413)

February 1, 2018

APS PI Call Outs (PATS 10458)

APS PI Exploitation Priority (PATS 10502)

SWI No Longer Assesses Client Rights I&Rs for Issues Involving Providers (PATS 10547)

January 18, 2018

Minor Correction in 4292.2 Sex Traffickers Not Investigated by CPS

November 1, 2017

SWI ANE in an APS PI Facility By Non-Staff Members (PATS 10457)

Child Safety Check Alert List (CSCAL), Alternative Response (AR), and Unable to Complete (UTC) (PATS 9362)

October 2, 2017

APS In-Home and Alleged Perpetrator Access (PATS 10357)

September 1, 2017

Assessing for Prenatal Exposure to Drugs and Alcohol (PATS 10017)

August 1, 2017

Neglect in ALFs, Nursing Homes, Hospice, and Hospitals (PATS 10173)

Assessing Family Violence Related Calls at Intake (PATS 10187)

July 3, 2017

Explanation of Single Source Continuum Contractors (SSCCs) (PATS 10122)

June 1, 2017

Update to 4931 CPS Screener Eligibility Question (PATS 10047)

May 1, 2017

APS In-Home Policy Changes (PATS 9477)

Changes to APS Provider Investigations Section of the SWI Handbook (PATS 9567)

April 3, 2017

New 2325 Heading Title

March 1, 2017

1770 Subpoena Policy

Processing Subsequent Info to Open Cases

February 1, 2017

Reports Regarding a Sexually Active Minor

January 3, 2017

Clarification in the School Report Section

December 1, 2016

Confidentiality of Reporter Information

November 1, 2016

SWI Update to SWI Handbook Regarding DARS

October 19, 2016

Clarification of Jurisdiction

October 1, 2016

Assessing dual intakes for CPS and DCL

August 1, 2016

New Using with Unknown Persons on the Person List

July 1, 2016

Reports Involving Schools

Update to SWI Handbook CCL Section 5000

3922.3 Call-Outs in Emergency Situations

June 1, 2016

Documenting HIVAIDS Infectious Diseases

Update to 3324.4 Narrative Documentation Specific to Correspondence

May 5, 2016

Sensitive and Complaint Reports

May 2, 2016

Contacting On-Call Staff

Child Safety Check Alert List

January 4, 2016

Request for a Copy of Recorded Call

Social Media Policy

December 1, 2015

Requests from Texas Law Enforcement

November 2, 2015

No Locating Information

October 1, 2015

Update of Section 3100 of the SWI Handbook

Information and Referral (I&Rs)

September 1, 2015

Suicidal Callers

Child in CPS Conservatorship

August 3, 2015

Reports Involving Motor Vehicles

Call-Outs in Emergency Situations

Human Trafficking Policy

Baby Moses Law: Definition of Designated Emergency Care Provider

July 2, 2015

Chronic Caller Policy

Removing Example Questions to Ask From the Handbook

Requesting Information From an Anonymous Reporter

Screener Question

June 1, 2015

Locating Information

IMPACT Downtime section

Project HIP

Identification of a Principal in a CPS Intake

Save and Submit for Approval

May 1, 2015

Case-Related Special Requests

CPS Out-of-State Jurisdiction and Unaccompanied Alien Children

Situations That Always Require an I&R

APS Section of the SWI Handbook

Reporter Requests Status of Report

I&Rs to Open Cases

SWI Mailing Address

Changes in Terminology

April 1, 2015

Subpoena Policy

Use of Speakerphone When Reporting Abuse or Neglect

March 2, 2015

Clarification to 7310 Client Dies in a Facility Under APS Jurisdiction

Updates to PN References

Assessing Reports on the Death of a Child

Child Safety Check Alert List CSCAL)

February 2, 2015

Using Past Narratives for Assessment Purposes

Update to the CPS Screener Eligibility Question

January 1, 2015

Update of Outdated References to EBC

Reports Regarding a Sexually Active Minor

December 1, 2014

Factors to Consider When Determining NSUP

October 27, 2014

Sensitive Case

October 1, 2014

Suicidal Callers

Reports Made by DFPS Staff

Entering Reports Involving AG Address Confidentiality Program

September 2, 2014

Worker Safety Issues – Gangs

Chronic Callers

Contact Information

Documentation of HIV or AIDS Diagnosis

August 1, 2014

Medicaid Addresses

Children as Perpetrators in APS Intakes

Procedures for Calling a Reporter Back

Children in Care Who May Be Alleged Perpetrators

July 1, 2014

Assigning a Priority to an APS Facility Investigation

Notifying Law Enforcement

Documentation of Call-Outs

Acceptable use of Caller ID Feature

Post-Adoption Substitute Care Services

Unable To Close Procedures

Relate Procedures

Requests for DFPS Records Check From Austin Victim Services

Facilities Housing Undocumented Minors

Procedures for When IMPACT Is Down

Updates of Terminology

Maintaining the Service Level

Reporters With More Than One Intake

Open Service Delivery Stages

June 1, 2014

Reviewing Sensitive History With Supervisors

Baby Moses Policy

APS Facility and County Documentation in IMPACT

DFPS Law Enforcement Jurisdiction Locator

RCCL Law Enforcement Notification

May 1, 2014

Terminology Changes

April 1, 2014

Processing PNs

March 3, 2014

Changes to SWI Correspondence Policy

The Re-Entry Process

Problematic Intakes

February 3, 2014

Day Care Licensing (DCL) Exempt Facilities

When a Reporter Offers Supporting Information

Call Recording Retention and Requests for Recorded Calls

November 1, 2013

Reporter Calls Back Requesting Call ID or Status of Previous Report

Facility Page in IMPACT

Assessing CPS Reports When the Alleged Perpetrator Is Deceased

September 1, 2013

Children as Alleged Perpetrators in Licensing Intakes

Children in CPS Conservatorship Placed in an AFC Facility

Entering Person Data into the Name Fields in IMPACT

August 1, 2013

Unclear Licensure of a Residential Facility

Removing DADS Court as Type of APS CRSR

Chronic, Inappropriate, and Suicidal Callers

July 1, 2013

PN Documentation

CPS School Reports

April 1, 2013

Employee Development Unit – Formerly the Training Unit

Removal of Reference to Maternity Home Regulated by CCL

March 1, 2013

Demographics Requested of Anonymous Reporter

October 15, 2012

Death of a Child Reported by Law Enforcement

September 4, 2012

Relay Texas

August 1, 2012

Elimination of Documenting Extensive History Search Results After Hours

Standardization of Conclusions in Intake Narratives

June 1, 2012

Determining Law Enforcement Jurisdiction for Residential Treatment Centers

Clarification of Child Death Reports for CPS

May 1, 2012

Processing Reports

Notifying APS Facility Staff of Intakes

Re-Entry Request Procedures

Assessment of Reports for Day Care Licensing When Information is Limited

Rio Grande State Center

APS Client Dies while in APS Service Delivery Stage

April 6, 2012


April 1, 2012

Contact information for Persons Requesting Information Packets

Call Out and Assignment Procedures

March 14, 2012

Correction to November 2011 publication regarding CPS P-N Intakes Entered by SWI

March 1, 2012

Suicidal Threats From Clients Residing in Facilities Under the Jurisdiction of APS Facility Investigations

Report Regarding a Sexually Active Minor

Name change from TYC and TJPC to new agency Texas Juvenile Justice Department

Subpoena Policy

Walk in Reporters

Address Confidentiality Program

February 1, 2012

Re-Entry Requests

December 13, 2011

Issues Involving Children in CPS Conservatorship

December 1, 2011

Types of DFPS Child Day Care

Documentation of Information Obtained From a License Plate Check

Correspondence Mailed or Faxed to SWI

November 14, 2011

APS Facility Investigations name change; people-first language

November 2011

CPS P-N Intakes Entered by SWI

Reports Involving an Unrelated Caregiver

DADS Referrals: Diligent Search for Parent or Guardian of a Child in a Long-Term Care Facility

October 2011

Offensive or Inappropriate Callers

August 2011


February 2011

Process for Handling Re-Entry of Impact Reports

January 2011

Required SWI Documentation: Gang-Related Issues

Jurisdictional Issues for CPS Reports on Incidents, Victims, or Perpetrators Outside Texas

Clarification of Procedures Related to Law Enforcement Jurisdiction

Sharing Information With Reporters

Determining Whether Information Is an Intake, Special Request, or Information and Referral

Entering Information Into Impact

Processing an Information and Referral (I&R)

How SWI Handles CPS Reports

Affected Cross-References

December 2010

Child Death Reports

Drug-Endangered Newborns

Reports of Abuse or Neglect by School Personnel

November 2010

Child-Care Policy Moved to Child-Care Section

October 2010

New Check Box in IMPACT for Requesting Re-Entry of Intakes

Name Change for State Schools

Reports on Licensed, Private ICF-MRs

September 2010

Youth Parents in DFPS Conservatorship

June 2010

Entering Reports Made by SWI at the Request of Field Staff

April 2010

General Clarifications

February 2010

After-Hours Phone Coverage for DSHS

September 2009

Rewrite and Clarification

August 11, 2009

Documentation of Reports From Law Enforcement of Family Violence in RCL Foster Homes

August 2009

Changes to Intake Actions Page for CPS Intakes

Incidents at APS MH&MR Facilities That Do Not Involve Abuse, Neglect, or Exploitation

July 2009

New SWI Policy and Procedures Handbook

Revisions Throughout Section 1000

I&R Narratives Saved and Closed at Intake

Documenting Multiple Victims in APS MH&MR Reports

Summary of SWI Procedure Handbook Revisions: 05/2007 - 07/2009

June 2009

April 3, 2009

April 2009

March 2009

December 2008

November 2008

September 2008

April 2008

March 2008

August 2007

May 2007